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Sunday, January 21, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 12:37 AM | permalink
Hugh Hewitt had an interesting article the other day about the death of the mass audience. In truth, the article was a sharp criticism of the Bush administration and their inability to promote and sustain the confidence in the war. To wit:
Explaining why it is necessary to "surge" and why the sacrifice of American lives is not just noble, but necessary, requires a daily engagement by the Administration's best communicators, and across the entire media spectrum. The center-right doesn't much care what is said on Russert's Sunday coffee clatch, and there is a good argument that independents don't either. There is no mass audience anywhere, and no single appearance on a single show will do.
The death of the "mass audience" is an interesting notion. Essentially, it comes down to this, to affect political change you need to tackle communications across the spectrum of print, radio, TV, blog, websites, podcasts and other mediums.

To master this you need to be both comprehensive and nimble.

Any viable candidate for the 2008 presidential election will have to demonstrate that they can do this.

Here's a quick chart that I use with some of my clients to help them understand now change is affected (click to enlarge).

I'll have more on this later.

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