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Saturday, January 27, 2007
posted by jason | 2:23 PM | permalink
Iowans for Romney has great coverage of the great meeting in Iowa yesterday. 300 people showed up for luncheon.

One bit of news is Romney also had some people signing for the Aimes Straw Poll. The other breakng news is that Mitt wore a blue tie.


Jim Kinnick who runs Iowans For Romney,emailed me this short synopsis at my request:

On January 26th I had the opportunity to hear Gov. Romney speak at Beck's Restaurant in Waterloo, Iowa.

An overflow crowd of over 300 Iowa Republicans attended the 11:30 AM event. For a weekday event held in the middle of the Iowa winter, that's a very impressive turnout. Mitt spoke of his conservative values and drew upon his experience in both the private and public sectors. After a speech highlighting his core conservative beliefs and values, Gov. Romney took questions from the audience. Romney spoke of how foreign policy is no longer a "black and red checkers game", that the Cold War is over but we have new challenges to face. On domestic issues Gov. Romney stressed raising the bar on education and made it clear that the issue of education should not be ceded to the democrats. Many in attendance filled out cards to support Romney at the August 11th "Iowa Straw Poll". Jim Kirkpatrick

Jim is doing a great job in Iowa promoting Romney along with our own Jeff Fuller (pic of Jeff up on Jim's site also.)
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