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Monday, February 26, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 3:14 PM | permalink

Senator Warner Joins Supporters Of John McCain

ARLINGTON, VA - U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential exploratory committee today announced that Virginia's senior senator, John Warner, will support the Arizona Senator should he decide to seek the presidency.

Senator Warner, now serving in his 5th term in the U.S. Senate, has spent the greater portion of his career working with our military, beginning at age 17 enlisting in the U.S. Navy during the last year of World War II, later as a U.S. Marine officer during the Korean War, and then during the Vietnam War serving as Under Secretary and Secretary of the Navy.

During his service as Secretary of Navy, Secretary Warner learned about McCain's distinguished career, and upon his return from Vietnam, the two met and established their long friendship and professional association.

"America's next President will be challenged by a range of diplomatic and security issues of unprecedented complexity largely due to growing, worldwide, terrorist threats. Senator McCain's long experience with, and understanding of, our military coupled with his proven, unquestioned courage and leadership, provide him with the essential qualifications for our next President," said Senator Warner. "America's prosperity and personal freedoms at home must be protected from threats beyond our shores. Security will be the primary issue in the forthcoming Presidential campaign. I consider it a privilege to join the McCain team."

Senator John McCain said that he was honored to have the support of such a distinguished public servant. "Senator Warner has served his country with honor, courage, and commitment," said Senator McCain. "His support means a great deal to me as a person, fellow Senator, and veteran. I look forward to his advice and counsel."

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