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Saturday, March 3, 2007
posted by jason | 9:56 PM | permalink
CPAC went well for Romney. The question can be asked, does this mean much for Mitt. Obviously I think it does. Here are 7 areas I think Romney stands to gain from his solid showing this weekend:

1. His speech shows he can speak and win over skeptics. He clearly did that. I read several stories of former skeptics now leaning to him. KLO herself had grown skeptical to a certain degree, and she swung herself back. From what I understand he impressed the bloggers at Bloggers row for visiting ad taking questions.

2. He got huge press out of this. I don’t know if it will translate into the polls, but it gives him momentum. Right now the CPAC straw poll results are on Drudge and WaPo.

3. Like it or not, McCain has had a crappy weekend. I know it’s not nice to say his campaign is over (and I don’t think it is) but several people (Erick and Dick Morris) have begun to talk that way. McCain is worse off today than he was last Saturday. There is something symbolic for conservatives to see him announce on Letterman and diss CPAC within a day of each other. McCain supporters may not like that or think it’s unfair, but unfortunately it’s already out there.

4. CPAC will help Romney woo potential staffers, endorsements and bring in more needed cash. It definitely doesn’t hurt.

5. Romney’s campaign pledges to veto spending and fight McCain-Feingold are terrific promises which will win him votes, and the latter can’t help McCain.

6. Brownback and Huckabee, the anti-Romney candidates, will no doubt begin rethinking their campaigns. They are running nearly totally on being the anti-Romney and this weekend they learned it doesn’t quite work with the base.

7. The biggest thing to learn from Giuliani’s speech, is he can quote Reagan and sound good doing it. It doesn’t hurt, but in the end he won’t last long skating around social conservatives. Remember most of the straw poll votes were cast before he spoke I don’t think his speech really helped Giuliani’s numbers.

I don't know what this will translate to over the next coming weeks. I will venture to guess it will give steam to the Romney train and get his name out there as one of the favored conservatives.
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So could you clarify, votes were cast before folks heard Romney speak? If so, then the numbers were lower than they woulda been. 'Cause that was a rippin' speech. That's encouraging.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 2:12 AM  

Are you kidding me? You guys got your asses kicked. You had 225 volunteers there, which means when you crunch the straw poll results, you guys only got roughly a little over 100 others to support Romney. Look how well the Brownback campaign did. You guys spent $350k, the Brownback campaign bought 5 registrations and booth. You got your asses KICKED!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 3:12 AM  


By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 8:21 AM  


Please see post below, specifically last picture.


The managment

The posters above with all the foul language and lame arguments sound mighty scared. That is such a good sign for Mitt Romney.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 11:29 AM  

I think that Browback is the one running a 100% Romney campaign which is totally stupid. You have to build a coalition to win. It is so easy to get burned if that is the unifying theme of your campaign.

While Huckabee may take advantage of the theoligical uncomfort of some voters with Romney, I don't think that is the unifying theme of his campaign. It would be stupid because you can never be a 1st tier candidate running that way.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 5, 2007 at 6:15 AM  

So you're not allowed to provide transport to supporters for CPAC? That dirty rascal Romney! Or maybe other candidates couldn't drum up the folks to bus? I get the feeling that Giuliani, besides smelling suspiciously like a liberal, is riding the wave of popularity but hasn't done the foot work to keep the wave a-rollin'. Romney, on the other hand, is like a soldier. Everyday he's out there, laying the groundwork. It would defy the laws of nature if he didn't continue to rise in the polls, in spite of MSM hit jobs and prejudiced conservatives witholding a vote for the most qualified choice. What I'm saying is, I don't think CPAC was a fluke for Romney. We shall see. . shant we. . .

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 5, 2007 at 12:10 PM  

This Message Is For You MiTT. It Time To Take The Gloves Off! I Want You To Ask John Mccain On TV About The Keating Five And How He Neal BUSH John Glen SEN Alan Cranston John Keating Stole 350 Million Dollars From The Savings And Loan In Colorado! And Also How He Was Able To Avoid PRISON! Take Care And Good Luck Michael Pepperdine

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