posted by Momo Harris | 12:53 AM |
As I sit in my hotel room going over a busy couple of days, CPAC has been amazing. The speakers, the exhibit rooms, and just the people have been great. As Justin commented earlier, Mitt Romney was awesome today at the speech. Just being in the same room with the guy was just awesome. He really focused on the issues that are key to 2008 and for being the No.3 guy, he should be number one! After his speech, I went to the Mitt Romney rally, which was amazing. Mitt hit it off with a great joke and after that the crowd was with him completely! As I cheered on, Mitt with the other participants, I really felt, this is the guy to win it for the Republicans. I will type more about the conference when I get home tomorrow, but all i have to say is GO MITT GO!!!!! Oh, does anyone know how I can work on his campaign in MO???
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