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Saturday, March 3, 2007
posted by jason | 8:18 PM | permalink

Well it has begun. Romney has a great showing at CPAC (wins straw poll, kills Rudy in a speech showdown) and we already have people crying over it. Where I blog at already has people in the comments sections crying (link.)

Liz A. Mair is just realizing she has been laying down on the wrong set of tracks, and is trying to save face.

I posted on Romney killing the competition in the GOP insiders poll at only to see people cry and whine on that one too.

People, get used to it.
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Think about debates between Romney and Hillary or Obama. He would obliterate them both with ease.

Now, think about a debate betweeen Rudy and the Dems. There would be no debate because they believe the same things. Rudy is one of them, Mitt is one of US!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 3, 2007 at 10:00 PM  

The real question is whether Oprah will invite Mitt for an hour chat on the couch or if that is reserved for Obama.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 12:27 AM  

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