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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
posted by Mike | 12:46 PM | permalink
Normally spot-on, excellent commentator Laura Ingraham made this morning the most surprising comment I have heard in a while:

"If I'm Mitt Romney today, I'm giving Mike Huckabee whatever he wants. Mitt Romney better build a bridge to Huckabee and build it fast, because smart McCain had it all set up with Rudy Giuliani and Giuliani's of course endorsing John McCain."
How can anyone, especially Laura, not recognize that the primaries have been for a while and are especially now all about Mitt Romney having to run against everyone else? Giuliani will endorse McCain, Schwarzenegger will support McCain (at least surreptiously, if not overtly), and Huckabee will remain in the race as a less-than-secret, stalking horse, precisely to siphon votes away from Mitt.

Update: Schwarzenegger's support will take the form of his outright endorsement on Thursday.

Mike B.
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I have to believe that Hucks supporters would back McCain, but Guiliani's supporters would go for mitt, thats what the exit polls show.

January 30, 2008 2:06 PM, I wish it were so, but how do you figure? My guess is that Rudy's exit, to say nothing of his endorsement, hurts MITT in favor of M. PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY I AM WRONG. PLEASE, MAKE MY DAY! ;-)

You know what I find really sad? All the people I hear on talk radio who claim to care about this country and don't spend 5 minutes finding out the facts about the candidates, I mean all of the candidates. Specifically, the hosts of these shows, people who do it for a living. If someone calls in to a radio show and says something as stupid as Mitt 'flip-flops' on everything, you should have enough insight, have done a minimum (skimming-lightly-across-the-surface minimum) amount of homework on the candidates to know that that is untrue. I mean that is their job, no?

They're still whining about the whole gay marriage thing, but Mitt was the one who stopped talking and did something about it. He testified in Congress, got laws enacted in the bluest state in the nation, fought the liberal Legislature tooth and nail. He did something while everyone else was flapping their gums.

They whine about illegal immigration, but it was Mitt who stopped illegal alien driver's licenses in Massachusetts.

But, they let it slide and slide, and they whine and complain about McCain, about the the borders, about campaign finance, about Republicans masquerading as Democrats (or vice versa) and the other candidates - how they did this and they're gonna do that, but they're all a bunch of cowards. They will gladly get in front of the Romney train when it arrives at its destination and say how they knew it all along and how they were there from the beginning, but they won't lift a finger to help it get over the hill.

I've come to the conclusion that talk radio is good for only ONE thing. Talk. They talk about how they want to change the moral relativism in this country, but they don't. What would they have to whine about? They say they care about the borders, but - not really. When people call in and say they will NOT vote for McCain, some say 'well, if you don't the "they" will get in.' So what? For them it's not about this country, it's about keeping the 'Ds' out and 'Rs' in, whoever they are. Ridiculous.

I care about this country. I've seen what happened in other countries when people forget how lucky they are and drop the ball.

Mitt once said that (paraphrasing) that America must remain the hope of the earth, but that it's not a given. You have to be diligent to remain free. He gave the example of Great Britain and Rome, once great empires who took their eyes off the ball. Look at Venezuela, they went from democracy to dictatorship and they're still trying to figure out what happened.

I guess I'm trying say, if people say they want something there should be some evidence of it in their ACTIONS. Obama said in a debate that words are important because they have the power to move people. His entire campaign is based on a whole lot of words signifying absolutely nothing. Words don't mean anything without actions and if that's what all the complaining and whining about closed borders and moral relativism and making America great again (I mean for real, not just some empty slogan) was all about, I don't want any part of it.

Give a person who asks if your religion says Jesus and the Devil are brothers "anything he wants?" I hope Mitt doesn't do it. Just say no to theocrats.

Mitt's got my vote in MA and my parents' votes in NJ, wish I could guarantee more.

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