posted by jason | 8:59 AM |
Grassroots Campaign Against McCain.
While a lot of people seem to be resigning themselves to McCain, let's not be so fast. This is probably going to be one of the most exciting weeks of the race. Yes, McCain won big, but a McCainiac is largely mistaken to think it's wrapped up. McCain will have it wrapped up if we wins such a large amount of votes on Super Tuesday that he only needs a few more states to win. Should Romney and him come out with only 100-200 delegate count difference, than I really doubt it's over. And hey this isn't a pipe dream, Newt said as much yesterday on Fox.
Some advice for Mitt:
1. Tonight take McCain to task.
Ask him questions on the economy. Put him uncomfortably on the spot. Expose his fundamental weakness. The fact he had no idea what Ron Paul was asking him shows that he knows virtually nothing about the economy. We know he doesn't like earmarks, but earmarks are not the economy last I checked. Steer the conversation to the substance that McCain could never compete. When McCain starts to talk about Flip Flop's quote him on his amnesty lies, and talk to no end about his last ditch effort of dishonesty. You won't win by answering the claims. People don't want answers that can't fit on a bumper sticker. If you want to beat McCain, ignore his attacks, attack back.
2. Spend money in New York and New Jersey. At this point you won't win them, but you can make McCain earn them. At most McCain might have 7-12 million, but I doubt that since he dumped a load on Florida. He is going to have to raise money this week, so force him to spend it on the places that are his strong points. Do tons of mailers, radio commercials, etc. Really focus on McCain's lies mentioned in number one.
3. By Forcing McCain to focus on those states, you can focus on the west and IL. Governor,
you really need to do some grassroots efforts in IL. There is a whole team of conservative activists who will jump ship from Huckabee, if you will take 5 minutes to talk to them when you are here, you can win them. Some of them are real big fish. Does a grassroots activist have any reason to work for Huckabee at this point? No! I have no idea why you haven't done it. IL independents will be locked up with native-son Obama, since voters choose their party at the polling station. You can beat McCain with the conservative vote alone.
4. In terms of California. Spend your money up in San Fransisco area. Another area that is seemingly for McCain. McCain will need to spend money in NY, Chicago, and LA- very expensive markets. Since each congressional district is equally weighted with delegates, you get the same out of a congressional district in SF that you do in South Orange County. You'll win South Orange County, I don't think there is too much question about that. But by appealing to the swath of Economic Conservatives who make up the Republican profile in San Fransisco, you can win a large chunk of California delegates. You have to show you're the economic alternative to McCain. Oh yeah, and don't forget Amnesty in California. That goes without saying I guess.
This be a tough, yet like it or not, you are the last conservative left. A lot of people who wouldn't come near you in November have no choice but to pin their hopes on you this week. Show them you are worth it. Don't give them a reason to despair. Unleash the Mitt we have come to see these last couple weeks. The Mitt who vaulted to the top of Rasmussen ratings. All you need to do is stay viable through Feb 5th, a 100% possibility, and you can take McCain down March 4th in Texas.
If it doesn't work out, don't worry, MyManMitt will still be around in 2012 or 2016. Pretty positive McCain will get his clock cleaned in the generals, when he no longer has the MSM to pay the advertising bills.
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