posted by Myclob | 8:32 PM |
Mccain is not the most electable candidate.
Reasons to agree
- The fact that McCain agrees with the democrats on immigration will not help him. The majority of Republicans and Democrats disagree with McCain (Washington) on that issue.
- One of the best arguments that we have against the democrats is that they don't have any executive experience. They have never run a corner store. Neither has McCain. Both are senators. So is McCain.
- The fact that McCain agrees with the democrats on campaign finance will not help him. Moderates don't jut want democrats and republicans to come together so they can smile for the cameras. They want republicans and democrats to work together to produce legislation that actually fixes the problems. The problem with McCain isn't that he is too liberal, its that he is incompetent. Every bill that has his name on it, has done the exact opposite of what it promised it would do. McCain-Feingold had the exact opposite effect: there is more dirty money that is not transparent now than ever. You know how Bush coined the phrase, "compassionate conservative." I would love to have Romney use the words "competent conservative." Its not just about saying that you have compassion, or saying that you are a conservative, its about accomplishing something that is able to deliver compassion in a conservative manner. Any of this talk, I'm sorry to say, is many levels over McCain's head. All that matters to him is working with the other side, not actually fixing problems. That's what happens when you look at the world from behind a committee, and that is why we don't elect senators to be presidents.
- Mitt Romney was elected in Massachusetts, a far more liberal state than Arizona.
- Romney will come off a lot smarter in the debates against the democrats than John MCain ever could.
- McCain will come off a lot angrier than Hillary or Barak.
- McCain will not be able to instill confidence in the future as much as Hillary or Barak.
- McCain can not claim to be an agent of change, as much as Obama.
- Obama and Hillary are far more appealing to independents. We need a candidate who can unite the base.
- Romney is more likely to raise the type of money that he will need in the general election.
- It is not just that McCain agrees with the democrats on many issues, and so he is bad. The point is that the issues that he agrees with the democrats happen to be issues that the Republican Party is correct in apposing.
- Healthcare is the #1 democratic issue. Romney beats Hillary and Barak by accomplishing something significant that helps people in a conservative way. McCain has no healthcare plan.
Reasons to disagree
- Mccain can appeal to independents.
- Mccain agrees with the democrats on global warming.
- Mccain agrees with the democrats on closing Guantanamo.
- Mccain agrees with the democrats on water boarding.
- Mccain agrees with the democrats on immigration.
- Mccain agrees with the democrats on limiting freedom of speech.
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