posted by Anonymous | 4:25 PM |
Field Operative Vic Dennis was at Burbank Yesterday to greet Mitt and Ann Romney. Her is his report:
"As a result of a 'heads up' I and many other Romney supporters received, I took the opportunity to drive to Burbank to be there for the arrival of Governor Romney in California from Florida. I arrived just before noon and joined a group of at least 40 supporters, including elected officials, staff from Boston, and young people. I had the chance to talk briefly to Assemblymember Tony Strickland, who is a big Romney supporter. In fact, I saw him in Nevada making phone calls for hours on behalf of Governor Romney. We discussed our hope that the Governor would go on the offensive about John McCain’s voting record and liberal tendencies. Assemblyman Strickland told me he was going to the debate and expected a big night from Mitt."
"Just after noon, the Governor’s plane arrived and through the lobby walked Governor Romney and Mrs. Romney. Though they must have been extremely tired following the cross-country flight, they took the time to pose for pictures, sign autographs, and speak briefly with supporters. I had the opportunity to shake hands with the Governor and wish him well on his debate appearance later in Simi Valley. Slowly, the two made their way to several awaiting vehicles that wisked them to Simi Valley."
"One of the things that has struck me since I began volunteering for Governor Romney is the quality of the people associated with the campaign. Without exception, Romney staffers have been polite, appreciative, open and honest, and great people with whom to be associated. I think it speaks volumes about the candidate we support. It is also interesting to note that shortly after Governor Romney’s arrival, the planes carrying McCain and Rudy arrived. One Romney observer noted that no one was present to greet either one of these two."
"The road to the nomination has many twists and turns ahead. The longer this process goes on the better it is for Governor Romney and those of us who want a conservative Republican nominee. I am looking forward to many future opportunities to meet the Governor on his road to the nomination."

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