posted by Anonymous | 8:14 PM |
... for evidence that McCain is not a conservative than
his endorsement today by Arnold Schwarzenegger (And yes, I know how to spell that last name without checking it).
I was part of the Arnold revolution in California. During the recall of our former Governor,
Gray Davis, I actively participated. I placed many yard signs for him. I was at the
rally in San Diego when he admitted to some bad behavior with women who say he groped them. I called into
John and Ken on KFI 640 talk radio and actually said, on the air, "I would rather have Arnold for Governor than be groped for every dime I have by Gray Davis!" This was in spite of the fact that he was pro-civil unions and pro-choice. Simply put, he was a better alternative than what we had.
After Arnold's election, I continued to be active. I even had an event with about 40 law students to promote
his ballot initiatives for which he had called a special election for. But he lost those initiatives. And then, Arnold gave up the Republican party. He appointed
Susan Kennedy as his Chief of Staff. In addition, he has continued to sign legislation that has expanded
domestic partnerships in California. California is a gay marriage state for all intents and purposes, only minus the word married. He is also weak on
illegal immigration (He may sound like he isn't, but he is fundamentally, no different than McCain on letting people who are here have amnesty via a "special pathway.") And as I mentioned yesterday, he is now
proposing letting tens of thousand prisoners out early. And I have given up Arnold and gone instead with conservatism.
Arnold gave up conservatism in order to attract love from liberalism. Sound familiar? It should. There is a reason that Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani get along so well and its not because they are all Republicans. In California, the people who oppose Arnold are Republicans. If John McCain is President, it will be the same. John McCain has proven that by his positions now and his actions in the past.
One final lesson. When you elect a RINO, it moves the whole culture to the left. You need someone who believes in your values to preserve them. Elect Mitt Romney for conservatism.
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