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Thursday, January 31, 2008
posted by Scott Allan | 7:11 AM | permalink
During the CNN Republican Debate last night, McCain took a cheap shot on virtually every question to insult Romney. He went after "flip-flopping". He accused Romney of laying people off. He called Romney unqualified to be Commander in Chief. He looked like a fool continuing to insist that Romney wants a time table for troop withdrawal when it was completely clear to everyone there that all the evidence showed otherwise. He used class warfare tactics by telling Romney to spend every dime he had on the election. He complained about all the Romney "attack ads" when it was clear that he was the only one attacking last night. There were so many insults, I can't remember them all.

The most important factor in the debate last night was that Romney rose above the puerile tactics of McCain. Romney looked Presidential and McCain looked like a cranky old man. Romney defended himself quite well without responding in kind. I commend Romney on his poise and urge him to continue this approach. Romney clearly won the debate last night.

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It was almost painful to watch at times as McCain went on his rants. I think that his campaign devised a formula for responses:
1. Quick jab at Romney
2. Misdirect Romney's stance on a given policy
3. Say "for patriotism, not for profit"
4. Take credit for the troop surge/"put my political career on the line" (why would that even matter? Are you concerned about being unpopular, Senator McCain?)

These four points were referred to in almost every answer! (with patriotism/profit occurring slightly less than the troop surge)

McCain really lost the debate. Check out the body language in the screen shot in this post.

So very true. Do McCain's supporters honestly think that guy can get elected in the general election? For a hundred reasons THERE IS NO WAY. Romney would have a real chance. The more I see Romney, the more I seriously like him and am totally impressed by him. WE NEED ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM MCCAIN AND HUCKABEE SUPPORTERS THIS WEEK, or all conservatives will lose more than we can imagine.

I always hate it when they place Mitt next to the guy who is being a jerk to him at these debates but last night it was wonderful. It showed the great contrast between the two. Do we want McCain who looked tired and old with that forced smile that looks as good as Hillary's cackle sounds or do we want a polished well spoken individual who can keep himself in check?

How our leaders portray themselves does make a huge impression. I will always remember the day that Bill Clinton was sworn in as President. That was the day that Saddam dawned his powder blue sweater vest. Apparently the hippie saxaphone player did not strike much fear in him as opposed to the day that our current president was sworn in for the first time when he dawned his military uniform and fired off a couple rounds.

I think Mitt great as he always does and we need to do all we can to rally around him.

Mac had exactly five definable tactics for debating last night:
1) Lie
2) Name-drop
3) Lie some more
4) Shrug shoulders, smile smugly when confused
5) Lie

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