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Friday, February 1, 2008
posted by Mike | 10:54 PM | permalink
I am feeling profoundly touched by what I learned from an interview I just saw on Glenn Beck’s show on CNN and the reflection that the interview provoked. Beck was interviewing Jon Huntsman Sr., a major fund-raiser for Mitt Romney and someone whom Jason wrote about here over a year ago. Here are a couple of anecdotes from the interview.

Some years ago Huntsman’s company was in financial trouble and found a buyer for 40% of his company and shook hands for $54 million. By the time the buyer got things together to close the deal six months later, the value of that share of the company had risen to $250 million. The buyer offered to split the difference, but Huntsman would not accept, saying that they had shaken hands on the first price and that was the deal. He gave up $200 million rather than go back on his word.

A few years later, they were once again in challenging economic times and cash flow was such that Huntsman could not meet his commitments to various charities to which he had pledged support. Rather than renege, Huntsman went to bankers for a loan to meet his obligations, putting his house and a major part of his business on the line. The banker was astounded, exclaiming that no one in their right mind would risk their home and their business just to honor their pledges to charity. To Huntsman it was unthinkable that the various causes which were depending on his support would go lacking, some of which were scholarships for students.

I then remembered the post earlier here on which spoke of the people in Mitt’s campaign:

One of the things that has struck me since I began volunteering for Governor Romney is the quality of the people associated with the campaign. Without exception, Romney staffers have been polite, appreciative, open and honest, and great people with whom to be associated. I think it speaks volumes about the candidate we support.
How does this compare to what we are seeing from the folks riding on the Crooked Talk Express?

Mike B.
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Dear Mitt,

I know you've probably thought this all over a million times, but I feel compelled to write you. I've been all over the the campaign, the Romney Blogs, and the internet as a whole, and like you I am very proud of the course we've taken thus far. I do have some simple thoughts I have gleaned, and feel would be of great help in giving the average voter an opportunity to differentiate between you and John McCain. It seems these points have not been given much attention or appropriately emphasized.

1) AGE: It is a sensitive issue I suppose, but a real issue that should be addressed! McCain will be 73 if he were to move in the Oval Office. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed as it is, so what would it be like in 2011, 2012 when he's 76 and 77 yrs of age respectively? Is it fair to the American people to have a 77 year old John McCain on point in 2012? Not a pretty thought!

2) PARTY VIABILITY: This leaves the Republican party in a true lame duck position throughout the next presidential cycle, nothing will be accomplished in Washington if McCain were to win, as the Dem's know he could not possibly go a second term! And here we go again...

3) CONSERVATIVE LOYALTY: McCain was on the edge of leaving the Rep Party in 2001! He had extensive talks with Daschle, Kennedy, Edwards, etc. regarding the framework, of committee memberships etc., and the specifics of the deal. His people approached Kerry to be his VP running mate for heaven's sake!

4) REAL CHANGE: McCain is an lifetime career politician, thats not the way the founding fathers intended this deal to go. He has his hands in too many pockets at this point to be the agent of real change. It, as they said, leads to unholy alliances! (You, and Regan are an example of how it should be!)

5) VP: I know this is your decision, and you certainly know better than I, but I am suggesting you let it out that you are strongly considering Gov. Sarah Palin as your VP. This will go a long way to bring back lost conservative women (And women in general who are on the fence) who earnestly want to see a women in the White House. Not to mention the avalanche of free media it will generate!!!

I suggest to you, it is late in the game, the gloves are off, and the people of America need to know the truth about John McCain, the person they think they're voting for! It is now you're responsibility to get the information out there. The average voter needs and wants this information. I know, speaking for myself of course, we all want you to make a spirited, hard fought campaign while remaining the gentleman you are... I feel however you must go after these points with a vengeance, hammer away at them, and make them points of the campaign! These things can rejuvenate the outside interest in your run for the White House, while cooling McCain's jets just a little!

It is I'm afraid as simple as this. If you (God forbid) didn't get the nomination Mitt, we are all in for a horror show of US politics the likes of which has never been seen before! It will indeed be a long, cold 4-8 years of higher taxes, huge entitlement spending, free running illegal immigration, and the list just goes on and on, because, you and I both know, John McCain can not win the general election!

Please seriously consider the above. Thank you for your valuable time, and consideration.

Best Wishes From A Big Time Supporter!

Charles R.
Solvang, CA.

Yeah. This is exactly right. The Mitt supporters I'm most familiar with are a bunch of Bain guys who now coordinate microcredit funding for millions of the worlds poorest. You're not going to run into a smarter bunch or a more virtuous bunch than Romney's inner circle.

We are truly looking at a battle for the heart and soul of the republican party.

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