OK cowboys and cowgirls, its time to load 'em up and strike out on our own. Here are 10 Reasons why Romney should initiate a run for the White House as a third party candidate. 1. Because he can. He is uniquely qualified and supported across all demographics to win. 2. Infrastructure is in place. 3. If we don't fight against the liberals hijacking the republican party, we will have no party left in four years. 4. If McCaint is nominated, it doesn't matter, he can't beat Obama or Clinton. 5. This is THE last chance for conservative values to survive. 6. It sets a new course for the conservative base of the republican party. We are not leaving the republican party, it has left us. 7. McCaint is the candidate we are being forced to submit to by the chain of events we have seen over the past several weeks. This is America, we don't have to accept McCaint or any other cadidate with blind obedience. 8. Washington needs change. In my view this is the best way to do it. The winds of change must come through the breath of a new party. 9. Instantaneous media and information at everyone's finger tip can change this race overnight...with in birth of a new party and movement. 10. We can WIN!!!
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