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Thursday, January 31, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 9:07 PM | permalink
Now is the time. If you believe in a Constituional Amendment to preserve traditional marriage. If you believe in appointing judges who believe the Constitution is a document, not some living organism. If you believe groups trying to elect candidates who share our values should be allowed to spend our contributions on political ads. If you believe life should be protected. Now is the time to support Mitt Romney.

I want to speak particularly to any Mike Huckabee supporters who may be out there. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. If you fracture the conservative vote, McCain will win by default.

Remember this is the guy who attacked members of the religious right as being agents of intolerance. That is what he does when you are against him. He believes that about religious groups that challenge him. That is why he liked McCain-Feingold. As previously stated here, this is the guy who has problems appointing conservative judges. You don't want him as President.

While I'm at it, remember that just because McCain says he is the most electable, doesn't mean he is. His predictions have proven false before:

"Unfortunately, Governor Bush is a Pat Robertson Republican who will lose to Al Gore."
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A reader at View from the Right says the following about Florida. I wonder if it's true that there is an investigation going on that an alleged over 300,000 votes are illegal:

I just got off the phone with the man in my county who is the assistant supervisor for operations re the primary. I told him I was a registered Republican voter here and asked about the CNN website stating 17% of the voters in the Republican primary were Independents. I was quite surprised at the details he went into with the numbers with me, but here goes:

He stated that they received a statewide email Wednesday morning about allegations that over 300,000 votes were made by Independents who were NOT registered as Republicans. The Secretary of State of Florida is aware of this and it is being investigated. The man I spoke with reiterated that this is illegal. He said he thought the counties were in South Florida, and Broward was the one name he remembered. He said the numbers were either 314,000 or 341,000. In Florida, you have to sign in and you have to show ID, so they should be able to check the books about what happened.

This is my own bias, but I wouldn't be surprised at anything that happened in Southeast Florida.

I asked him about any follow up in the news and he said he would call me if he heard anything else. Again, I was surprised he told me this much on the telephone, as this is going to be a huge scandal if anything comes of it. This is the Secretary of State page if you would like to do any follow up yourself.

Oh my.... if this is true!! Quick! Get the news out before everyone thinks McCain is their only choice for a repub nom!!!!

This must be looked into. Here are the correct links to the posting above...


Alright. I am going to speak my mind, and come clear on what I think is happening here. Romney is by far the obvious, clear conservative choice in this race. McCain has hijacked the GOP, and has too much liberal press to propel him to the nomination without serious grassroots efforts to stop him. This would REQUIRE support from Huckabee's supporters, but guess what- there is about as much chance of that happening as me having a baby (I am male). The evangelicals would rather have McCain, who stands against almost every MORAL principle they have, then Romney, who (according to them) stands against every THEOLOGICAL view they have. Yes, I paint this as almost entirely a religious picture with that group. It's bigoted, it's lame, but it's a fact. Can you imagine if Romney was not Mormon? Evangelical voters would flock to him. It's so unfortunate that a good, honest, intelligent human being is wasted because he happens to believe differently then "mainstream" America. For those that don't believe as Romney but still can find the obvious reasons to support him, I applaud you for your openness. For those that are as small minded and bigoted as to reject him solely due to his beliefs, shame on you. You have doomed us all.

I swear,running against McCain feels more and more like running against a dem every day. This guy is supposed to be a man of principle? He and Huck both are now engaged in the politics of knee capping.Ann Coulter says she'll vote for Hillary over McCain. Can't say I disagree. I was a little disappoined that Hugh Hewitt said he'll support McCain if he's the nom because Hillary is a worst choice. I'm sorry but I can't support McCain under any circumstance. He doesn't have one thing where you can say "At least he'll do blah blah blah". I simply don't want the GOP to be responsible for creating another amnesty plan.

As far as the Huckster goes,what an embarassment he is to the party. He's nothing but a McCain stooge at this point. Good lord even Thomas Sowell has come out ripping on McCain this morning.

As Tim Russert said this morning, "McCain is dangling the veep carrot in front of Huckabee". What a disaster! If Huckabee is on the ticket, there is SO much dirt to dig up on him in Arkansas, Republicans don't stand a chance. It is absolutely ridiculous that he has gotten this far. The MSM has given him an absolute pass so far - but not if he is on a ticket. They will begin digging around in Arkansas, and they won't have to dig too deep. Everything is laying right out for anyone to see. Think Wayne Dumond. Anyone? Anyone? Please stop this train wreck that is John McCain!!!

I just heard Laura Ingraham say she would pull the lever for Romney in the primaries!

You may have already heard by now but this morning on Laura Ingraham's radio show, Rick Santorum strongly endorsed Mitt, and Laura also said that she will be voting for Mitt! The momentum has begun... I just hope there's time to change enough minds before Tuesday!!

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