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Friday, February 1, 2008
posted by Scott Allan | 11:17 AM | permalink
Yesterday at a doctor's office, I was talking to the receptionist, who is a friend, about politics.

Me: Have you decided who you are voting for?

Her: I like Huckabee.

Me: Oh that's interesting. I always wonder why people like Huckabee.

Her: Well I don't have any particular reason other than we share the same religion and that's important to me.

Me: Using that criteria, you'd also vote for Jimmy Carter.

Her: That's true. I do like McCain too.

Me: Do you like Ted Kennedy?

Her: No he's terrible.

Me: Did you know McCain is friends with Ted Kennedy?

Her: Really?

Me: Have you heard of the McCain/Kennedy Immigration/Amnesty Bill?

Her: I really need to do more research.

Unfortunately I think that there are too many voters like her making uninformed decisions. Get the word out about Romney. Don't let people form their views from the bias of the mainstream media.


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What's even more amazing is that in September McCain said that he was a baptist but never took the time to tell anyone or update his political profile information! I think this is the best flip flopping I have ever seen!

The only people that I have met that like McCain democrats.

This is in Iowa City, Iowa.

Thank you for detailing the problem with politics in America. I swear, I am starting to lean towards only letting people with half a brain be able to vote... i.e. at least graduated from high school, and at least having SOME idea of how the world works (i.e. higher taxes do NOT bring more prosperity).

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