posted by jason | 4:24 PM |
Its amazing what this guy was able to learn in 77 days!
On Nov. 10, while traveling through New Hampshire on his Straight Talk Express bus, McCain was asked what he would seek in a vice presidential candidate if nominated. After mentioning the ability of a potential running mate to replace the president, McCain said, 'You also look for people who maybe have talents you don't, or experience or knowledge you don't, as well.' 'What are those qualities that you don't - that you wouldn't mind complementing?' asked David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times. McCain paused. 'Uh, maybe I shouldn't say this, but, somebody who's really well grounded in economics,' he said." Link
77 days later...
Mr. McCain said in the interview that he would feel no need to select a vice president with expertise in economic policy to balance his own foreign-policy experience. Link
I just have to say, this guy is a fast learner!
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