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Saturday, January 26, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:05 PM | permalink
From a reader:
I got a call from a buddy of mine that told me of how McCain is on the attack in Florida. He lives in Miami. He got a call touting McCain and claiming that "McCain is the only Republican that could compete with the Dems." Saying that "Romney would be beat by 10 points." They said, "that is a political blow out". He said at the end of the message that it was paid for by John McCain for President. He told me that McCain was with Sen. Martinez and was challenging Romney's economic message.

Anyone else in Florida getting these calls? Let us know about all the latest on the ground in Florida at


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Is this the same Juan McCain that whined about attack ads in NH? Instead of giving people objective reasons to vote for him McCain has now switched to an electibility argument. Bill Clinton was right about one thing. A Clinton/McCain contest would put people to sleep. there's no reason to get excited about either and they agree on most everything. The dems will be happy to run against someone who wants to keep us in Iraq for 100 years.

I was wondering when the MSM would start it's pre-spin in case of a Romney win Tuesday. Well here you go. The message here is if Mitt wins it will be because of his ability to buy ads. The only problem with this line of thought is there really didn't to seem to be much benefit in other states. I get the feeling that Mitt's persoaal appearances are what's winning people over not the ads and that people are genuinely excoted when they leave his events.The media tries to paint him as stiff and robotic but he comes across very human,especially when he's talking about things he's an expert on. Read this and weep.,8599,1707027,00.html

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