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Saturday, January 26, 2008
posted by Beth Barnat | 12:27 AM | permalink
I walked into a coffee shop today to meet a friend and instead I met a glacier.

When I walked into the coffee shop I could see my friend wasn’t there yet, so I walked up to a table in front of the t.v. that was in the wall.

CNN News was on and Mitt Romney graced the screen.

I looked at the 70-ish lady and her husband sitting next to me and proudly said, “That’s the man I’m voting for.”

She looked at me skeptically, “Mitt? That’s a funny name.”

“Yes,” I said, “it is a different name.”

I sat down and started conversing with the woman who thought ‘Mitt’ was a funny name.

“Do you know anything about Mitt?” I asked.

“No, I really don’t.”

“You know,” I said, “he is a really amazing man.”

I continued -- “He is so smart. Can I tell you something about him?”

“Sure,” she reluctantly replied.

“Mitt Romney saved the 2002 Olympics,” I said and then proceeded to tell her the story about how he cancelled the fancy dinner at the hotel for the Olympic trustees, had them come to the rented offices, ordered pizza and had them pay $1.00 a piece.” I told her how he turned the Olympics around from bankruptcy and scandal to make a profit.

She was impressed.

We talked about other things. I asked them where they were from and we talked about the rainy weather and how it was affecting their roof.

They were starting to warm up to me.

Then I said, “Can I tell you one more thing about Mitt Romney that really impressed me?”

“Sure,” the woman said.

Then I told her about Mitt Romney’s partner at Bain Capital and how his daughter went missing in New York, and how Mitt closed the business and went to NY to find her.

She was even more impressed.

I told her that Mitt had been married to his wife, Ann, for almost 40 years and they had five sons and 11 grandchildren. I told her how Ann had MS and how Mitt stood by her side, no matter what.

“Oh, my goodness,” she said with empathy, “my friend has MS.”

We talked some more and I am positive that by the time I left the glacier that she had been was now a warm pool of water -- open to Mitt Romney.

It was a great day.
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Beth, excellent story - I love it! If all of us could have such a moment, Mitt would win in a landslide.

Well done! This kind of person to person word-of-mouth is the best way to convince people to be Mitt supporters!

This is awesome Beth. Mitt Romney supporters can hold their heads high! We don't have to cringe when mentioning his name in public! Great story :)

Thanks everyone! I have noticed that most people have no clue who Romney is.

Telling stories about his successes and family go a long way to personalizing him and making him real.

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