posted by jason | 1:24 PM |
We need your Donations. Currently we are trying to put together a 2-4 day embedding trip with Governor Romney before and on Super Tuesday. This will be an expensive trip. Although no exact plans have been made in the campaign schedule, I am expecting one day of air travel, meals and hotel to cost up to $2000 or so. We will do how many days we can raise funds for.
We are unsure which bloggers from this site are able to attend, but we can promise the same top notch coverage we have been able to provide in the past.
It's a large amount to raise, but having a MyManMitt reporter on the plane is great for not only the site, but for Mitt as well. Perhaps Glenn Johnson from the AP will go whacko again and we can get some exclusive footage? Perhaps if you have maxed out in your contributions for Mitt, a Mitt Friendly blog would be a good place to put your financial support.
So if you want to donate go here: