posted by jason | 4:57 PM |
Since Sen. Thompson dropped out of the race, the ongoing question has been, "Who will Fredheads now support?" While many Fredheads have yet to make up their minds, and some have gone to McCain and a few to Giuliani and Huckabee, it's undeniable that Romney has been the recipient of a vast majority of them. A couple case in points would be the late Mason Dixon Poll, that has Romney inching up while McCain remains steady. Another sign is the long list I posted today of the many judicial advisors from "Lawyers for Fred" who have now hopped on the Romney boat. Now we have this coming out of Team Romney:
New Georgia State Legislators Supporting Governor Romney:
* Senator John Douglas, Social Circle, Senate District 17
* Senator Lee Hawkins, Gainesville, Senate District 49
* Senator Cecil Staton, Macon, Senate District 18
* Representative Tim Bearden, Villa Rica, House District 68
* Representative Steve Davis, McDonough, House District 109
* Representative Earl Ehrhart, Powder Springs, House District 36
* Representative Johnny Floyd, Cordele, House District 147
* Representative Doug Holt, Social Circle, House District 112
* Representative Billy Horne, Newnan, House District 71
* Representative John Lunsford, McDonough, House District 110
* Representative Tom Rice, Norcross, House District 51
and this...
Boston, MA – Today, Morton Blackwell, President of the conservative Leadership Institute, announced his support for Governor Mitt Romney and his candidacy for President of the United States. Morton Blackwell is a leader in the conservative movement and the long-standing Republican National Committeeman from Virginia.
"The only way conservatives are going to beat the Democrats this year is if we unite the major elements of our coalition. Governor Romney is the only candidate who can bring conservative change to Washington now and maintain the conservative coalition so many of us helped Ronald Reagan build. I am proud to support Governor Romney," said Morton Blackwell.
Welcoming today's announcement, Governor Romney said, "Across this country, thousands of conservatives have been inspired by Morton Blackwell's leadership. The conservative movement is stronger because of him. It is an honor to have him as part of our team as we work to bring conservative change to Washington and build a stronger America."
These new additions can be attributed to a few things:
- Romney's Conservative Message
- The Strength of Romney's Campaign
- The fact he didn't pour some cold water on Fred when he dropped out like Huck did
While Huck was busy claiming he would be the natural choice for Fredheads right before personally attacking Fred and his campaign; Romney was extending the hand of friendship to both Fred and his supporters. Now we have the Romney campaign coming out with these web buttons for Fredheads to put on their site:

I think one of Romney's hallmark's of both his public and private life is his ability to build groups of people with different views and get them behind a common cause. I think his ability to attract so many of the former Fredheads, and even support them in keeping the affectionate title of "Fredhead" is something in the direction. Fred is a great a conservative, and many of his supporters still support him, despite his leaving the race. You can still be a "Fredhead," and support Romney. One need not give anything up.
You can view and download these embeddable buttons here.
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