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Thursday, January 24, 2008
posted by jason | 12:10 PM | permalink
McCain put out this commercial today:

It seems from this we are supposed to gather that the Dem's are shaking in their boots at the prospects of facing McCain in the generals. Last night on Hannity and Colmes I was amazed at how the Democratic Strategist so quickly and readily offered up that McCain would be a near insurmountable candidate to beat. Not that she said it, but that it's like the 10th time I have heard it given up so easily by a Dem strategist on Fox News as of late.

Does anyone here wonder why the Dems are so willing to admit defeat to McCain 11 months out without a hint of dissension on the topic? If McCain really does have it in the bag like they claim, and they might not be able to beat him, how come they are going onto shows like O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes and others to proclaim this in unison like a dog rolling over for his master.

I guess we should just take their cues and trust the Dem Strategists know what's best for our party.
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The new campaign theme from Mccain is that he can beat Hillary. I suppose that explains Rudy's rise in the polls, since a couple of months ago polls showed him beating Hillary. But, wait now Rudy is way back in the pack. McCain's numbers against Hillary are the result of the media's deification of McCain. That stops the moment he is the nominee.

Mr. Straight talk will become the angry guy with a short fuse. How many stories about his age will pop up. By August "keating 5" will be on bumper stickers.

Oh give me a break!!! Seriously are we supposed to buy into all that MSM garbage! The media is liberal and of course they want to run against Mccain, they know they can beat him! The clintons would slaughter Mccain in the first week. Romney is the only one who is strong enough and well organized enough to take down the terrible twosome!!! GO MITT!!

Mitt is up in the latest Mason-Dixon...not sure this has been posted yet. 30-26 over McCain.

The ad is a political IQ test.

If only one Democrat said it, it might mean something. When it comes out scripted, from liberal candidates and liberal pundits alike, it looks suspicious. More suspicious, when you see that the DNC released way more PR attacks on Romney during the year than against any other Republican candidate - including McCain.

Do the Democrats have a vested interest in the Republicans nominating the weaker of two candidates? Yes.

Can we trust the Democrats to speak honestly about which candidate they'd prefer to face? No.

George Will suggested that McCain ought to join the Democratic Party, because his record and outlook has so much in common with them.

In the General Election, the same Democrats who crossed over in New Hampshire or Michigan to vote for McCain will vote for Clinton or Obama in the General Election.

Not exactly rocket science.

When McCain selects this ad just before the Republican Primary, it's a sign of his weakness - if this is the best he's got. He's not talking about his record. Nor does he pretend to be strong on the big issue of the Economy - so he resorts to a transparent gimmick like this. Nice work, John.

The gimmick is predicated on his assumption that Florida Republicans are rubes - and are trusting of Democrats to show their hand. We'll see how it plays out.

Methinks the donkeys doth protest too much.

Oh wooooooo...... I'm shaking in my boots!!!! John McCain's so scary!! Yeah. Right. The Dems are DYING to have him as the Repub Nom; they've got so much crap on him.....

This just seems silly. I live in a very heavily Democratic city, and have not heard this from anyone. With a very competitive race on the other side, most Democrats haven't looked very closely at the Republican candidates.

One thing I have heard a number of times is the opinion that Huckabee would be easiest to beat. I myself would never vote for him and would not vote for the Republican ticket if he was the VP choice.

After thinking a brief second, I thought the end of the ad could have said "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this ad" Oh so transparent, of course the Dems would love to go up against McCain and all his baggage.

Never take political advice from your enemies...

- Ann Coulter

Shoot, I heard Hillary was looking at McCain for her VP

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