I wrote the following blog back on Jan 5th . . . and the issue has only become more and more important. However, with the worldwide stock market crashes today (here too) and Wall Street likely to suffer as well (the Dow Futures look dismal) it bears repeating now. I think it's becoming clearer and clearer that we NEED Mitt Romney at the helm of our country and economy. And we absolutely DON'T NEED John McCain anywhere near the control panel of our economy.
So "The Economy" constantly ranks up there among the top issues/concerns among voters of BOTH parties. With the Iraq issue being far less polarizing of late, the Economy, Illegal Immigration, and Healthcare look to be the key issues for the general election. Additionally, this New Hampshire Fox News Poll last month had the Economy and Illegal Immigration as the two most important issues to GOP voters with the Economy being by far the most important issue.
Additionally, unlike many issues listed, the status of the economy is something that touches EVERY American in some real and powerful way (as opposed to Iraq, or abortion, or foreign policy, or those without healthcare insurance).
SALEM, N.H. -- John McCain, who happily volunteers he doesn't know much about economics . . .
Later in the piece:
McCain stood before a line graph showing the increase of the alternative-minimum tax, a low-budget campaign's alternative to the PowerPoint presentation Mitt Romney uses when talking about economic policy, a subject McCain has said he feels he is unknowledgeable and that filling the void would be a priority when selecting a vice-presidential nominee.
So McCain wants to bolster the ticket because he's weak on the #1 issue and at a time that recession is a real concern? Sounds scary to me.
Yet further:
Like Mike Huckabee, who joked recently that he "may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night," McCain suggested to reporters Monday that American consumer culture offered a short cut to expertise. "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should," McCain said. "I've got Greenspan's book."
Sorry John, but if you haven't gotten a grasp of economic issues after 71 years of life, and after 3+ decades in politics, something tells me that you're not ever going to "get it" . . . even if Greenspan's book is really good.
If we really are headed toward recession in the next few months, do we really want John McCain as our nominee to put up against Hillary or Obama? I think we have much better options to have at the TOP of the ticket.
Update Jan 14th: I was just watching Road to the White House 2008 on C-Span (DVR'd) and John McCain, in a Saturday town hall meeting in MI, got a question about the economy and the sub-prime mortgage crisis.
He promptly said he knew it was a problem, but didn't know much about the details and so he brought up Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard to discuss the issue. After she answered the question, McCain mentioned that he wasn't an expert on every issue, but that he'd get people like her to advise him. I mean, this is a major issue in our economy and every other POTUS candidate can grasp it enough to say a few nice lines. Even Huck can sound conversant on the issue!
Update Jan 20th: McCain is showing his lack of depth on economic understanding . . . and is proposing policy based on his faulty logic. It's SCARY folks!
There is worldwide panic over the state of the US economy. Investors have to be taking gas.Bush's stimulus plan doesn't seem to be settling fears. You have the Democratic side of the ledger embroiled in the politics of race,all but ignoring issues so no reassurance there.Basically the dems always run on the concept that they will be a good luck charm for the economy rather than any coherent plan. Giving everyone free healthcare is not a cure for economic woes but they will never sway form their "tried and true" 60's liberal playbook.Reassuring minorities that their plight is due to wealthy white surpression doesn't appear to be working anymore as people are looking at Obama as an alternative to the old white plantation model which hasn't advanced minority causes.Government handouts are now being seen as a poor alternative to a job.Put all these things together and Americans are looking for a clear alternative which will stabilize then grow the economy. I think all these factors help Mitt a lot and there will be a slow gravitation towards him.Mccain has no cohesive message for the eonomy and as resources shrink people see his illegal immigrant friendly positions threatening those resources.The media hates Mitt because they can't morph him into thier republican sterotype like they could do with McCain and Huck (war mongers/religious zealot.
What really guiled the MSM after Mitt's victory in Mich. wasn't his so-called pandering to the auto industry but his optimistic tone.Don't forget the medias main objective is to create anger and pessimism because they think it will cause a backlash against the party in power.They hate the fact that Mitt hasn't gave up on industrial jobs. They loved McCain pessimistic tone that jobs wern't coming back(Bush's fault). McCain knew this cost him in Mich. and he changed his message real quick in SC saying jobs could come back. No flip flop noted. The last thing people want to see right now is a bunch of free spending and taxing liberals running Washinton. I wish that Mitt would start talking up the theme that Washinton needs checks an balances now more than ever before Dem taxation shuts the economy down even more.
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