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Monday, January 21, 2008
posted by Nealie Ride | 1:28 PM | permalink

Joe says that Mitt will be one of the final guys left standing, despite what the rest of the pundits say.

The lib Joe debates suggests that Republicans simply don't like Mitt and that he hasn't connected with them. What nonsense!

Joe points out that Mitt has been winning and McCain losing among Republicans and conservatives. Joe goes further to state that the MSM won't report this!

Go, Joe! And go, Mitt!
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I'm so relieved to finally hear someone attack the bias-media and stick to their guns in the way Joe did.

I think this would be better phrased as biased against Romney?

Great video, thanks for posting it. I am happy to finally hear someone sticking up for the truth and calling out the MSM on their obvious bias.

I can't believe that woman (sorry, don't know her name) was shaking her head when Joe was saying that the Republicans have embraced Romney and not McCain. He's right, she needs to read some more exit polls.

Scarbourgh is the only MSM guy speaking out about this. Good for him.Mika is a liberal tart but nice to look at first thing in the morning. To show how nasty the media is going to be towards Mitt just look at the nasty hit piece Frank Rich did on him yesterday.Latest Rassmussen has him up 5 pts. in Fla. Go Mitt!

Scarbourgh is the only MSM guy speaking out about this. Good for him.Mika is a liberal tart but nice to look at first thing in the morning. To show how nasty the media is going to be towards Mitt just look at the nasty hit piece Frank Rich did on him yesterday.Latest Rassmussen has him up 5 pts. in Fla. Go Mitt!

Thank heavens for MSM bias. Year after year they try their best to wreck conservative candidates and year after year conservatives see right through the tactic. I suspect Romney would prefer having the New York Times agains him. And we have seen how much the MSM has helped McCain with the base of the Republican Party. Keep it coming!

Glenn Beck chimes in today as well. He has some excellent points to make!

The Russian woman there is in TOTAL denial, she thinks that if the media didn't spin it that way it just ain't so. It was nice of Joe to point out otherwise.

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