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Sunday, January 20, 2008
posted by Nealie Ride | 6:51 PM | permalink

Some of Hugh Hewitt's Florida thoughts:

There is no front-runner, and there is no "momentum" though Romney has three state wins, McCain two and Huck one. What is said and done by the candidates over the next few days will decide Florida and nothing else. Even as they focus on this confused picture, the issues dominating the debate are changing rapidly to elevate the economy over immigration and the war. That has to favor Romney, and McCain is still burdened by the antipathy of many Reagan conservatives.

True. True. Talk the economy and other real issues and Romney walks away with gold.

If the Florida electorate reflects the general opinion of Republicans who have voted thus far, Romney will win in the Sunshine State.

This Florida election is open only to Republicans, so we won't see the Dems or Independents rushing to McCain's aid.

The GOP is at a crossroads, and because it is, so is the country. In ten days, Florida Republicans will have a huge say in setting its course for the next decade, and Florida's Reagan Republicans the most decisive say of all.
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It's like we're starting over from scratch now with Guliani being added to the mix.I don't think any prior wins mean anything.All the candidates have a chunk of appeal but no breakaway narrative as far as i can see. Will the McCain backlash finally catch up to him? I hope so. I can just about talk myself into supporting anyone but him,even Rudi. I'm bracing myself for the media spin the next couple days which I am sure will further promote McCain.Also worried about outlier polls crafted to promote McCain.The media is already revelling over beating talk radio with McCain's win in SC. It'll be interesting to hear wha=t Rush says tomorrow about this.

With McCain's base gone in this one and only registered Republicans eligible to vote, Romney stands a far better chance.

The difficulty is, of course, South Florida. That and the fact that the liberal papers have all come out and endorsed McCain for, get this, his policies on immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts, his support of Carbon caps, and his refusal to support torture.

Yeah, that's McCain alright: running for the Democrat nomination.

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