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Saturday, January 19, 2008
posted by Jeff Fuller | 8:32 PM | permalink
Check out this . . .

Dems Exit polling shows that 3% of those participating in the Democratic were Mormons.

I'm guessing NONE of them voted for Romney (sarcasm intended).

With voting totals around 115,000 in the Dem race (I saw that number on Fox News) that would come out to approximately 3500 LDS voters NOT voting for ROmney.

By contrast, 25% of the GOP caucus in NV that were Mormon with nearly 45,000 total GOP voters --- therefore around 11250 LDS voters and 94% of them were for Romney . . . but that means nearly 500 were not.

So, 4000 LDS in Nevada voted "Not for Romney" and 10,750 voted for Romney. That breaks down to 73% LDS for Romney and 27% LDS that were not for Romney. Not quite the absolutely robotic block-voting groups that many media outlets are trying to play up.

Interesting, eh?

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I love it when you talk dirty like that.

So, the way I see it, one more mess up and the MSM is finished. Done for. They should just withdraw from the news scene, those inauthentic pretenders.

I think the lesson is, you can't have negative things coming out of your campaign about "Mormons", and expect to win their vote. Thompson has Cyndi Mostler, Huckabee has his website, and McCain has his mother’s comment on the news. Where else were they supposed to turn?

Chris Matthews is the worst violator. His snide remarks assume 100% LDS turnout and 100% LDS blind allegiance. He is a smart enough man to know the truth therefore I can only conclude he is lying to advance his party agenda. Yes, Chris Matthews is a Democrat. And Christ Matthews is a liar. And these are strong words where I come from. Apparently being a liar in the media is no big deal.

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