posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:01 AM |
Election Scorecard:
Delegate Count (via CNN):
Winner: Mitt Romney (he has more delegates than the other three remaining "viable" candidates--Huckabee, McCain, and Rudy--COMBINED)Total Cumulative Vote Tally (after 95% of SC vote)--1,679,675 votes cast thusfar in GOP contests (excluding Hunter and Keyes):Romney - 537,070 -- 32%McCain - 513,131 -- 30%Huckabee - 339,801 -- 20%Thompson - 121,628-- 7%Paul - 107,428 -- 6%Giuliani - 60,617 -- 4%
Winner: Mitt Romney Medals Count (can you tell who I support?):
Romney - 3 Gold, 2 Silver
McCain - 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Huckabee - 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze
Thompson - 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Paul -1 Silver
Hunter - 1 Bronze
Giuliani - NADA
Winner: Mitt Romney
Which candidate has both RAISED the most money AND has the biggest purse to continue on to future states? Mitt RomneyWhich candidate has won the largest plurality of voters in any contest thusfar? Mitt Romney (39% of the vote, Romney's total in Michigan, is the highest percentage of any candidate on either side in any contested state thusfar)
Which candidate won the most demographically diverse and most populous state thusfar? Mitt Romney (significant Urban, Suburban, and rural populations in MI)
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