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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:21 AM | permalink
There are several articles on related topics out there:

Newsmax has a nice article by Ronald Kessler about the recent media coverage and the MSM’s obsession with Romney’s religion: Instead of focusing on [Romney’s accomplishments], Time devotes almost 40 percent of its coverage of Romney to his religion and the question of whether Evangelicals will vote for a Mormon. Yet, as Time quotes Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's public-policy arm, "Southern Baptists understand they are voting for a commander in chief, not a theologian in chief."

An editorial at the says why editorialist Joseph Haynie says we should look beyond the religion issue. The opening line sums it up nicely: Too much of a fuss is being made about Mitt Romney's Mormonism and not enough is being said about the man's politics, or, more importantly, his character.

Finally, David Brody at CBN posts a letter of a person who would rather vote for another candidate just to spite the LDS Church: “It finally dawned on me a couple of weekends ago why I’m against Mitt Romney and why I’d not vote for him. It’s not because he is a Mormon. It’s because it gives legitimacy to the LDS Churches drive to be accepted as a Christian group.” To be fair, Brody also includes another email from a person with a much better perspective: “The Romney candidacy is bringing bigots out of the woodwork, and I don't think there are really that many of them. I believe and hope that most conservatives are able to rise above religious differences and vote for the best man on his merits. And so far, he is beginning to look like that man.”

It’s good to see that the majority of people and, increasingly, media outlets have come to embrace Romney’s truism that when voting for President, the shared values are more important than a shared theology. The type of group prejudice portrayed by the one Brody letter is the type of thing we would hope to eliminate for all groups. It just goes to show the wisdom of the Constitution which strictly forbids that type of thinking, portrayed by such a small segment of society.

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I practice no religion but belong to a Catholic family.

The bigots on the right of the political spectrum are SHOCKING ME! It also makes me very sad too.
On this earth we are supposed to judge each man on HIS WORKS and leave his soul to God. It is very presumptious of these bigots to think they know for a fact that Mormonism is so wrong. Why is it so hard to believe that God might actually APPROVE of the way Mormons live their lives and worship? Why are these bigots so threatened by that?
And what if GOD does indeed see Mormons as his children and these so-called Christians are trashing God's Mormon children?
The reason we all go to different denominational churches is because we believe differently.

If we want the right to do that we better give Mormons the right to do it.

What if God sent us Mitt Romney because he is the right man for these times and WE REJECTED HIM because of our prejudices and bigotry?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 15, 2007 at 5:44 PM  

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