The reality is that everyone in the GOP should just accept the fact that Giuliani is very pro-choice and that if he is elected, we can expect any progress made on the issues related to life to go the wayside. We could fairly expect him to expand federal funding of stem cell research, to approve cloning of embryos, to allow public funding for abortion, to allow late term abortions, and to appoint judges who care more about stare decisis than the Constitution. I am not a single-issue voter and would not advocate voting that way, but everyone who support Giuliani needs to come to grips with this basic fact. If you are okay with having a President who is on the same page as the democrats in Congress on these issues, no worries. If you want someone who will continue to stand up for these issues and who has a proven record of doing so, then My Man Mitt is the candidate for you.
Here is my problem with the abortion question and Rudy: the GOP is the Party that allows different views, right? I am pro-life, but this issue is starting to define the GOP too heavily. We are losing our way, I fear. Always remember, people do good, government does bad. To change abortion we have to change people, not government. So, as conservatives, we need to focus on getting back to basic Americanism. Let's shrink government. Save the social stuff for individuals.
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