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Friday, May 11, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 12:48 PM | permalink
Romney gave an excellent speech to Massachusetts Citizens For Life yesterday. Some Highlights...

The Goodridge decision in MA: "I believe that the Court erred because it focused on adults and adult rights. They should have focused on the rights of children. The ideal setting for the raising of a child is a home with a loving mother and father."

Cloning: "What some see as a mere clump of cells is actually a human life. Human life has identity. Human life has the capacity to love and be loved. Human life has a profound dignity, undiminished by age or infirmity."

Judicial Temperment: "I think Chief Justice John Roberts put it best at his confirmation hearing, when he described the role of a judge. Chief Justice Roberts said, 'Judges and Justices are servants of the law, not the other way around. Judges are like umpires. Umpires don't make the rules, they apply them...and I will remember that it's my job to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat.' Now that's the type of Justice that I would appoint to the court. "

The American People: "We are a decent people who have a commitment to the worth and dignity of every person, ingrained in our hearts and etched in our national purpose."
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Hey I liked this. I actually was feeling pretty attacked by some of the stuff out there. I especially liked the Evangelical scholar article you linked to. Even the suposed scholarly documentry PBS did about 10 days ago re-hashed some of the same old debunked myths about the church.

I don't know for sure if Romney is my choice for President but so far so good. I actually hope if there is any dirt to find--someone finds it. Because having a Mormon President who doesn't live his religon would be the worst possible outcome.

The abortion and gay stance has been a question for me. But I guess I was actually in a similar place in the early 90s on both the gay issues and abortion rights. You don't want people beat up or fired for being gay but then "gay marriage" thats a whole new thing. And I don't remember it being an issue back then.

I am pretty sensitive about not judging others by Mormon standards that they don't agree with. So I have been a little wishy washy on abortion too. However, when I really get down to it. It is just wrong for us as a society to throw away human life as though it was an apendex or something. When you really look at the issue there is very little gray.

I'm starting to be convinced. I still don't think he'll win. I've experienced too much haterd to think hate is easily overcome. But why not give it a shot.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 11, 2007 at 11:21 PM  

Do mormons hate or like asian people? I am asian and I like mitt romney but on his website lists many grous you can join but left out Asian coalitions. Maybe this was an oversight or not?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 12, 2007 at 1:48 PM  

I think that is a great idea. If I had any kind of affiliation with the campaign, I would try to get an Asian-American coalition started. I am, however, reduced to sending than an email to So, we'll see if anyone appropriate in the campaign gets the email. And to answer your question, I think Romney respects all people regardless of national origin or ethnicity as children of the same God.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 14, 2007 at 2:45 PM  

I was surprised when visiting the Mitt Romeny web site that his web site seeking volunteers did not have a special category for Asian Americans like African Americans, Hispanics. The same oversight occurs even in corporate America for example Pepsico has special advisory groups for African Americans and Hispanics but overlooks Asians. Pepsico's reply is that Asians make up only a small portion of their market and thus do not warrant an advisory group . Certainly someone doesn't see the global economy not only in Asia but Asian Americans here in the US.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 22, 2007 at 6:39 AM  

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