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Here's what people are saying about Mitt's performance:
Des Moines Register's David Yepsen: "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney." (David Yepsen, "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney," Des Moines Register Blog,, 5/15/07)
Yepsen: "Mitt Romney had the best overall performance. He was cool, concise, and showed an executive persona throughout the session." (David Yepsen, "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney," Des Moines Register Blog,, 5/15/07)
National Review Online's Mark Levin: "For what it's worth, Romney looks stronger and stronger to me. He's in his zone, he's nailed down his positions, he's confident and articulate, and he has charisma." (Mark Levin, "The Debate," Mark Levin Blog,, 5/15/07)
The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Romney backed 'enhanced terrorism techniques' but drew the line at torture. He drew applause with his call to double the size of Guantanamo Bay, rather than close it." (Chris Cillizza, "On The Use Of Torture," The Fix Blog,, 5/15/07)
Dean Barnett: "Mitt gains from every one of these formats. The more the country gets to see him, the better it is for him… Anyway, about Iraq, his answer was so much more scholarly than the others. It's almost like he's a doctorate holder who actually knows the facts, while the other guys are platitude spewing high school students. His command of the facts and authoritative delivery have to be the envy of the field." (Dean Barnett, "Quickie Debate Recap," Townhall,, 5/15/07)
Townhall's Hugh Hewitt: "Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney are light years ahead in electability and seriousness than the other eight. Each are superbly prepared and competent to talk at length and persuasively about the key issues ahead and not the old feuds and failed policies of the past." (Hugh Hewitt, "A Rudy-Romney Race," Townhall,, 5/15/07)
Hewitt: "They are the class of the field, far beyond the rest in terms of presence and appeal… Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney are light years ahead in electability and seriousness than the other eight. Each are superbly prepared and competent to talk at length and persuasively about the key issues ahead and not the old feuds and failed policies of the past." (Hugh Hewitt, "A Rudy-Romney Race," Townhall,, 5/15/07)
Paul Mirengoff: "Romney put in another assured performance." (Paul Mirengoff, "About Tonight's Republican Debate," Power Line,, 5/15/07)
Ed Morrissey: "Mitt Romney continued to show that he has mastered the format." (Ed Morrissey, "Giuliani Wins, But Paul Threw The Game," Captain's Quarters,, 5/15/07)
Jim Geraghty: "Last debate we were introduced to a very sharp, smooth candidate who knows how to make his case in a challengingly limited amount of time. Tonight, we saw last time's good performance wasn't just luck." (Jim Geraghty, "Republican Debate Number Two Wrapup," The Hillary Spot On National Review Online,, 5/15/07)
Macranger: "Romney is masterful. Handled Wallace's questions about gun control, abortion with ease." (Macranger, "Read My lips," Heading Right,, 5/15/07)
Chin: "Both Romney and Hunter sound strong on Iraq. Cogent, informed and passionate. The others seems to be dancing." (Chin, "Iraq," Heading Right,, 5/15/07)
Matt Lewis: "Once again, Romney looks (and sounds) sharp." (Matt Lewis, "Game On!," Townhall,, 5/15/07)
The Influence Peddler: "Romney says we cannot fail. He paints a picture of what happens in Iraq if we leave prematurely. Sounds good." (The Editor, "Live Blogging the GOP Debate," The Influence Peddler,, 5/15/07)
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