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Thursday, May 17, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 3:44 PM | permalink
UPDATE: Stay tuned. Romney campaign to issue statement shortly.

Listen, immigration is a difficult issue. But one thing is for sure.... this has McCain written all over it.

Here's a photo from today's "Amnesty" bill press conference:

Hugh Hewitt spins this bit of parody on John McCain's "Amnesty-lite":
Deal's done. I am the guy. I made it happen. My opinion mattered, not yours. What I do in the middle of a campaign for president has nothing to do with politics. My critics are all motivated by politics. Since I have already made up my mind, no debate is necessary, so shut up. Republicans especially shut up. This is how things get done in D.C.: You roll over for Democrats. And by the way, cutting half the fence and leaving the other half subject to the whims of the anti-border security bureaucracy equals protecting national security, just like the Gang of 14 was good for the confirmation process and McCain-Feingold good for the First Amendment. So, if you didn't hear me the first time: Shut up. Sit down. I'm your nominee.

I'm John McCain and I approved of this message.
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Bye Bye McCain. Have fun with Ron Paul!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 5:35 PM  

What is worse than a poli that only listens to public opinion polls? A poli that doesn't listen to anyone and sells out the national interest.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 9:09 PM  

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