Well, good luck to her. Anybody heard where or how Mitt is campaigning for McCain right now? I don't hear Mitt's name mentioned anywhere anymore, so I have given up hope of a vp nom. for him. As a matter of fact, some days I think Mitt needs to just stay away from McCain, the liberal loser.
Well, she seems to have a good resume. It also helps that she has a lot of money. And she probably has tons of connections and friends. It is also helpful that she's a female. Females seem to do quite well in statewide elections in California.
Now, the much more important question is: WHAT ARE HER POLITICS? Liberalism has killed California. Is she a conservative? And will she govern like a conservative? And if she is a conservative, can she communicate the conservative message in a way that will help her gain enough support to win the evermore liberal left coast People's Republic of California?
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