posted by Justin Hart | 7:26 AM |
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that U.S. Representative Jim McCrery (R-LA) will serve as the House Congressional Liaison for the Romney for President Exploratory Committee. As Liaison, Representative McCrery will lead Governor Romney's outreach efforts in the U.S. House.
"I am proud to have the support and service of Jim McCrery on my Exploratory Committee. Congressman McCrery will be a strong voice in the U.S. Capitol for our vision to move America forward. Today's announcement is just another sign of our growing support," said Governor Romney.
Governor Romney also named Representatives Dave Camp (R-MI) and Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) as Co-House Congressional Liaisons. Congressman Camp will also serve as Michigan Co-Chair of the Romney for President Exploratory Committee.
"Congressmen Camp and McKeon have demonstrated a strong commitment to doing what's right for their constituents and the American people," said Governor Romney. "With their help, we will find new solutions for the new generation of challenges confronting our nation."
Background On Governor Romney's House Congressional Liaisons:
Representative Jim McCrery Is A Proven Leader In The United States Congress. Serving his ninth full term in the U.S. House, McCrery has been recognized for his focus on solving America's challenges by looking past partisan politics and toward long-term, practical solutions. Cited as one of 28 "emerging players" on Capitol Hill, McCrery has concentrated on advancing core conservative principles. As one time Chairman of the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, McCrery played a leading role in passing major tax bills during President Bush's first term.
Representative Dave Camp Has Compiled A Record Of Accomplishment For The People Of His District. First elected to Congress in 1990 as representative for the 4th Congressional District of Michigan, Camp quickly earned a reputation for paying close attention to his constituents' needs. In 1996, Camp made his mark playing a crucial role in the passage of historic welfare reform legislation. As an attorney before his election, Camp worked extensively with parents and children in the foster care system and has become one of the House's leading adoption and foster care proponents.
Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon Is A Vocal Advocate For Conservative Principles In Our Nation's Capital. Elected to represent the 25th Congressional District of California in 1992, McKeon is a noted leader in efforts to reform the education system, cut the national debt, provide tax cuts, and strengthen the military. McKeon's record of legislative leadership has been recognized by several national organizations including the National Taxpayers Union, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Independent Colleges.
Labels: campaign, policy, press release
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