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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:55 PM | permalink
Remember, I will post your thoughts either on why you voted for Mitt or what's going on on the ground there in New Hampshire. Email us at

Reader Matthew from Nashua writes:

Dear New Hampshire,

Join me today at the polls and let's support a TRUE REPUBLICAN, Gov. Mitt Romney. He's got the goods ... proven executive leadership, brains, business know-how, charisma, strong values, and a contagious optimism about our country's future. He has a core understanding of how to keep America strong. He'll strengthen families and lower taxes, so we're all self reliant -- not reliant on the government. He'll get our military back to Reagan-era strength and give us the resources we need to defeat Islamic Jihad. He'll solve immigration. He's a man of accomplishment and turns everything he touches to gold. He'll bring back luster and life to the Republican Party, and certainly to America's standing in the world.

I admit, Senator McCain brings some strengths to the table; certainly the skills to be a great Secretary of Defense. He's just not presidential...way too cantankerous a fellow to bring our country together. He's got his talents and guts, but he's too stubborn and abrasive, and with too much of a maverick liberal streak to be our president. Wrong on immigration, wrong to vote against the Bush tax cuts, wrong on the 1st Amendment (McCain/Feingold) ...and a personal pet peeve, he's gone a bit too far to hold up promotion and command of some very good officers in our Air Force. The list goes on and on. I know you're tempted to vote his way NH - I was pulling for him too in 2000 - but I've learned a lot since then. His time has past. Sen. McCain will let us down in November. He can't go the distance against the Democratic nominee.

Romney is the most gifted candidate in the bunch - Republican, Democrat, or Independent - and he's the best choice for America.

See you all at the polls!


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