I invited a few of the bloggers from the pro-Romney blogger community to share with us a short, personal endorsement of why they support Romney for President of the United States, focusing on their main reason or reasons. Here are their responses..."[I was an undecided voter in the New Hampshire Primary until seeing Governor Romney at an Ask Mitt Anything event at the New Hampshire Institute of Art. He promised that anyone could ask anything, but said he may not be able to answer.] I thought his candor and his honesty were something I've missed in the leadership of this country. When I listen to Mitt Romney, I believe that he wants to serve his country because he wants to change it for the better and not because he's some kind of shameless opportunist."
"I believe Mitt Romney is a leader. I believe he can and will put the right people around him to get things done in Washington and I believe he will manage them effectively."
"I believe he is thoughtful man who is willing to listen to others, even if he doesn't agree with them."
"I believe that his business experience can help improve things like our Federal Budget, energy independence and the health care system in America."
"I believe that he wants to secure the borders of this nation to help ensure our sovereignty and, by doing so, also ensure our greatness as a society."
"I believe Mitt Romney can help make America great once again and I believe that Mitt Romney is the best choice for the next President of the United States of America."
-William Smith Conservative Blogger"After Bush I wanted two things in a president: competence and communication skills. I went searching and I found those two things in Mitt Romney. Mitt's record turning around over 150 businesses, Mitt's record turning around a corrupt and bankrupt olympics with sponsors hopping ship every day into one of the most succesful Olympics to date, Mitt's record turning around a 3 billion dollar deficit in Massachusetts into a balanced budget and providing health care to all both without raising income taxes and while actually shrinking government during a recession make him hands down the most competent candidate in the race. Likewise, Romney's communication skills are excellent. His Religion in American Speech, debate performances, and handling of a hostile press showcase his impeccable ability to be a great communicator. For these and many other reasons, I support Mitt Romney for President in 2008!!"
-Chad TaylorMitt Report"Mitt embodies the most complete package of intelligence, integrity, diligence, persistence, optimism, and experience."
-Neal Jones NY for Mitt"The War on Terrorism – Gov Romney called it a war against radical jihadists; not insurgents or criminals or some soft name. He clearly understands they are people bent on killing us and they are a real threat that needs to be dealt with. He understands the potential threat China can pose on both economic and military fronts. Being a member of the armed forces I was impressed that he is not to afraid to truly identify the enemy. In addition, when I heard him speak it isn't 'the Democrats this…' and 'the other party is bad at that…' He spoke of how great America is. He used stories from the Olympics, the Boy Scouts, people he has met around the U.S. It reminded me of Reagan, a leader who believed in the greatness of this country."
"Lastly, and this may seem strange if you don't have kids, but the way people treat our children gives insight into them. My son Benjamin ran right up to Gov Romney and hugged him right at the knees. Gov Romney took it in total stride and hugged him right back and gave him the 'Grandpa' pat on the back. You know that pat on the back that only loving granddads give there grandsons. Well, when I saw it and then found out he has 5 children; I couldn't think of a better family man to hold up as an example to the nation. Think about it, in a time where marriage is being defined in different ways and some youth have doubts about it all together, here is a man married to the same woman, who raised five children, and has a successful life."
-Karl Basham Alabama for Mitt Mississippi for Mitt"There are many reasons I am a supporter of Mitt Romney, but I will focus on one. The reason I choose Mitt over all the others, is because he's a do-er! He has proven over and over again that he likes to get in there and get things accomplished. He has a successful record of taking bad situations and turning them around. That's one reason he has my vote."
-Amber Moms4Mitt"I’ve been politically active and attentive for probably 20 years, and never before have I been as impressed with a candidate than for Mitt Romney. While I could point to numerous issues that I agree with him on, and perhaps one or two that I disagree with, it’s his capacity as a leader that sold me. I’ve studied leadership and organizations in business, non-profit, and religious settings and find that the closer I look, the more Mitt Romney embodies those qualities that I wish to develop over my lifetime."
"Rarely does someone come along with the talent, intellect, good-looks, family background, record of success, and integrity that I see in Mitt Romney. It’s not just that he’s probably the most-talented problem-solver in this generation, but that he combines that capacity with common sense, tact, and a down-to-earth persona. Some say that Bill Clinton was a great president, but the worst man as president. I believe that Mitt Romney will not only be a great president, but the best man we’ve had for president since Reagan."
-Andru Blonquist SC for Romney"I support Governor Romney because he has achieved so much and had such a positive impact in business, at the Olympics, and in Massachusetts while at the same time keeping such an exemplary family life. If he can have half the impact on this country that he has had everywhere else, we'll be incredibly fortunate and America will be better off for it."
-David Kim Elect Romney in 2008"I endorse Mitt Romney because he's connected personally with me to a degree that I wholeheartedly know he will fix a broken Washington. I've seen Romney at several events in Iowa and, contrary to the oft repeated mantra from the media, he DOES connect with people on a personal level. I've seen it with my own eyes, but, more importantly, I've felt it and personally experienced it. Mitt met me and my wife at an event in July of 2006. Fortunately, we had a chance to speak for several minutes. He spent all the time asking about us, our family, my job etc . . . and not trying to sell himself or boast of his accomplishments (a friend of mine who had several minutes of face-time with Bill Clinton said he had the complete opposite experience). Well, several months passed and, although I had been able to make it to a few more Mitt events, my wife hadn't seen him. When my wife was finally able to make it to a Romney event in our city, I wasn't able. Romney shook the hands around my wife's table, called my wife by name (no name tags), and, after finishing the table and preparing to move on to the next turned around and asked my wife, "Where's Jeff?" He not only remembered my wife's name after several months, but remembered that we were a family and noticed my absence. That is a rare gift, and Mitt Romney has it. That is the Mitt Romney I know, a man who cares for and connects with people like me."
-Jeff FullerIowans for MittMyManMitt"LEADERSHIP-The President of the United States should ideally have many attributes such as correct values and correct stands on the issues; which in my case are conservative issues. Mitt has these in his family, devotion to his beliefs, and in being a conservative on all three legs of the conservative movement. He is a social conservative, a military conservative and a fiscal conservative. Others may have these attributes, or some of them, but the job of a president is to be a leader of the most important government in the world and of course a mind boggling, huge organization. Mitt Romney's overwhelming successes in turning around serious problems for Bain Capital, The Winter Olympics and Massachusetts are what really stand out to me for a position that needs a leader. There are none better trained, experienced, and proven."
-Jay Hado Utahns for Mitt Utahns for Mitt Blog
"Mitt Romney has been successful in every aspect of his life. He was successful in school, in his marriage, with his children, in the private sector, in the non-profit sector, and in government. He is the only candidate that embodies correct ideals pertaining to national security, illegal immigration, Israel, government spending, taxes, the economy, judicial activism, the War on Terror, the importance of family, and the role of faith in America."
"Mitt Romney is one of those candidates for President that come along once in a lifetime. In line with what the Founder's vision for what a statesman is, he is a person that could easily be doing something else in order increase his wealth. Instead, not concerned with increasing his wealth, he chose to come into public life in order to serve the American people."
"As President, Mitt Romney will keep us safe, protect our border, lower taxes, help create new jobs, jump start the economy, dramatically slash government spending and waste, promote government efficiency, and build pride in America again. He will be a strong President; not afraid to make the tough or unpopular decisions. Furthermore, as Reagan did, Mitt Romney will make the case for his policies and initiatives directly to the American people. He is simply the most qualified, trustworthy, capable, clear communicator, and honorable person competing for the office of the Presidency."
-Aaron Gulbransen MyManMitt ConservaBlogsOf course, here is my own...As a criminal prosecutor, I stand behind Mitt because he stood behind law enforcement as Governor. Governor Romney reformed the process for granting pardons and commutations in Massachusetts in order to ensure they were not granted for improper reasons. He consistently sided with the jury, with the hard working law enforcement personnel, and most importantly, with the victims of crime by refusing to grant pardons where there was no evidence of defect in the conviction. Further, Governor Romney gave law enforcement the tools they needed by seeking to reintroduce the death penalty, increase penalties for offenders, and allowing state troopers to be trained in enforcement of immigration law. I know Mitt Romney will protect our country and stand up for the law abiding taxpayers of this country, instead of the people who prey upon the innocent and terrorize our country, whether those threats are at home, or abroad.
MyManMittPresident Mitt RomneyTell us the main reasons you are supporting Mitt Romney in the comments...
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