posted by jason | 11:08 AM |
- Polls show the race tightening. It looks as if McCain's RCP lead has come down about 2% in the last couple days.
- Romney does lead in some polls.
- The polls where Mitt leads still sample indies around 30%
- Romney over performed in Iowa according to pre caucus polling. Going into the caucus Romney was about 7-8 points behind Huckabee, in polls that sampled 40% Evangelicals. Romney lost by 9 with 60% evangelicals. If the same polls had been sampled with 60% evangelicals, Romney would have gone in behind 15% or so.
- Talk radio people are beating McCain to death in New Hampshire
- The word is internal polling in the Romney campaign shows a race to close to call
- All day primary voting will allow a more effective use ground game than a 30 minute caucus.
- The last two debates- Romney just kicked some major can. They revolved around him!
- Romney losses, he is still delegate leader, has a big check book, and frankly is coming out swinging
- Romney wins, he is undisputed winner. Will likely take MI, NV, place well in SC, and probably win FL.
- If Romney wins, it wil be a major comeback story
***These are reasons to be optimistic, NOT bullish***
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