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Monday, January 7, 2008
posted by jason | 11:08 AM | permalink

  1. Polls show the race tightening. It looks as if McCain's RCP lead has come down about 2% in the last couple days.

  2. Romney does lead in some polls.

  3. The polls where Mitt leads still sample indies around 30%

  4. Romney over performed in Iowa according to pre caucus polling. Going into the caucus Romney was about 7-8 points behind Huckabee, in polls that sampled 40% Evangelicals. Romney lost by 9 with 60% evangelicals. If the same polls had been sampled with 60% evangelicals, Romney would have gone in behind 15% or so.

  5. Talk radio people are beating McCain to death in New Hampshire

  6. The word is internal polling in the Romney campaign shows a race to close to call

  7. All day primary voting will allow a more effective use ground game than a 30 minute caucus.

  8. The last two debates- Romney just kicked some major can. They revolved around him!

  9. Romney losses, he is still delegate leader, has a big check book, and frankly is coming out swinging

  10. Romney wins, he is undisputed winner. Will likely take MI, NV, place well in SC, and probably win FL.

  11. If Romney wins, it wil be a major comeback story

***These are reasons to be optimistic, NOT bullish***

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A couple more reasons to add to your hopeful list:

1) Most surveys indicate that 50%+ of NH voters are still undecided. There is a good chance that the last 2 debates will sway this segment towards Romney.

2) With Obama's big surge and the ability for independents to vote in either the Democrats or Republican's primary, there is a good chance that a lot of indy voters will go for Obama instead of McCain.

3) Commentary I've read says that the last 2 debates have uncovered where McCain stands on immigration and taxes - 2 huge issues to NH voters.

I'm dying to find out what #10 is.

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