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Sunday, January 6, 2008
posted by Anne | 12:40 AM | permalink
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Awesome job MMM!!!! Mitt looks great, doesn't he????

Mitt was on target with everything is said to night. I loved the authority with which he explained each point and backed it up with his experience.

Can you guys please get this message to Gov. Romney.

He really needs to go after McCain on immigration and win the exchange decidedly. If he creates some fireworks over immigration it will gain the headlines and it will hurt McCain's support.

I posted a blog at redstate about how such an exchange could go.

I really think if Romney doesn't go after McCain hard at the debate Tuesday night we will all be asking ourselves, what if he had.

Mitt Romney is great talkon his Debates. How can he think all of those ideas he done next to next to next...I hope if he will be a president of United States he can do better than any body. That is I feel in my views. I like how he did things in the past looking at his past experiences. He will do his best for our Economy back in America for GOOD with him. I don't think any other person could do this. That is waht I think. I hope he wins for 2008 Election for president of United States. I understand Iowa is one of ticky game it was looks like but...still other States are waiting. I go for Mitt Romney for all the way till the End. Thank you my for comment and opinion. Mike M. Miyake

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