By Eric Dondero, crossposted from here with his permission.
In an interview with, New Hampshire State Rep. DJ Bettencourt just confirmed his endorsement of Mitt Romney for President. He had allowed his name to be placed on a List of NH Romney supporters two weeks ago. Now Bettencourt has fully backed up his previous name-listing with a full-fledged endorsement.
Rep. Bettencourt serves as Chairman of the New Hampshire Conservative Alliance, a group that includes strong Anti-Tax and libertarian-leaning Republicans. Bettencourt was strongly supported by the Republican Liberty Caucus, a libertarian group, in his election in 2006 to the Legislature.
Last summer Bettencourt was moderately supportive of John McCain for President. He had attended a couple McCain functions, and allowed the Campaign to list his name on McCain's Straight Talk Committee. He did caution them at the time that it did not constitute a full outright endorsement.
But McCain's pushing on immigration late last summer started to trouble him.
He also told ML that McCain's positions on economic issues such as taxes are less firm than Romney's, and that was part of the reason for his move away from McCain.
"For me, economic issues are most important. People have problems with Romney on social issues. They are of secondary importance to me personally. I think he is the only one with experience as a businessman and understands how it works," said Bettencourt.
Bettencourt also said that Romney was a "strong Fiscal Conservative," who was very good on tax issues. He mentioned his low tax record as Massachussetts Governor.
On the other candidates Bettencourt commented:
"No question Ron Paul serves my priorities on economics identically, but the problem is we need to get a candidate who has a chance to win."
On Giuliani, "Rudy is a guy whom economically we have agreement."
And on Huckabee, "He is not a friend of libertarian principles."
*Note - Representative Bettencourt will be a guest on a special edition of "Libertarian Politics Live" Pre-New Hampshire Primary, Monday night at 7:00 pm cst.
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