posted by Anonymous | 8:38 PM |
As we approach the next several early contests, I want to re-explain just a few of the foundational reasons why Mitt Romney deserves to be the Republican nominee for President.
America is Facing Challenges Entirely New to our Generation. Mitt Romney is the Leader we need to Face these Challenges Successfully. The next President will inherit a federal government staggering under the deficit and bloated with new entitlement programs. We can only expect that to increase with the Democrats now in Congress. Will we have a President who has proven ability to balance the budget?
We know Mitt's track record.
The next President will need to act to protect local communities from the crime and other social harms created by illegal immigration. Will we have President who believes local law enforcement should have the tools to do their job ?
We know Mitt supports protecting our communities.
The next President will need to deal with the continuing erosion of the traditional family or see the very foundations of our society undermined. Will we have a President who believes in marriage and wants to support it?
We know we have a champion in Mitt.
The next President of the United States will take over a much different place than Bush inherited from Clinton. The next President will be our first post 9-11 President really. He will be the first one to shape our continuing response to the threats in the world from
Kharijites (my term, not his). Will we have someone who believes in doing all we can to protect Americans from terrorists?
We know where we stand with Mitt.
The next President will need to lead America to be more competitive in order that our businesses can compete within the world and maintain our quality of life. Will we have a President with extraordinary business acumen who has great insight the issues our country faces and will be able to construct innovative solutions?
We know Mitt's abilities.
These are just a few of what I believe are the new generation of challenges we face. I am glad we have a candidate we can trust on these issues. I hope we will have a President who will do the same. If you want these same values in a President, vote for Mitt Romney America!
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