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Friday, January 4, 2008
posted by jason | 1:23 AM | permalink

OK, Ok, I won't play that game tonight! Fair is fair, Romney had the floor wiped with his behind. Unfortunately, Romney lost, and he lost by not a small margin.

I am not happy about this, although my Des Moines made McDonald's McFlurry has certainly lifted my spirits.

I won't even spin it, this is a problem for Romney. While I can still envision many scenarios where Romney wins (even one without a NH win), everyone on the site agrees life would have ben better had Mitt won tonight.

So I say congratulations to Huckabee. You won. You earned it. No excuses.

To Romney I say, you're the best candidate. You're no longer are the front runner in my mind, but I think you still have the chance here to win, and I hope you do.

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I think Huck won playing the poverty card. Crying about being outspent 20-1 and his latest line about I'm the guy you work with,not the guy who laid you off.I think the attack ads hurt Mitt also. But Huck should have won big because he had such a natural base there. Romney was playing on his turf.At the end of the day the Evangelicals wanted to make a statement about life.Their heart is in the right place but not their heads. At least Hillary got whooped,let's hope that continues. Thanks for the reports out there.

That's what I like about you. It is what it is.

But what is it? I can't even sleep tonight feeling like Iowa has betrayed the whole country. I wasn't ready for conservatism to be dead. Boy, do I hope I'm over-reacting.

Doesn't feel like it though. Plus I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. Maybe that's part of it.

I'm as disappointed as anyone about Mitt not finishing Iowa as #1, but I take consolation in the reality that he was up against a fundamentalist underground of religious fanatics -- spurred by a manipulative Elmer-Gantry-type personality.

There was only one issue in the Iowa race, IMO: bigotry. It was played by the media, by the Huckster and conjoined by Mitt's political opponents.

What we must hope for is that in succeeding states, we must unite to do everything in our power to keep issues in the forefront. To do otherwise will be to allow extremists at both ends of the spectrum of politics to dominate.

The fate of this nation is at stake. IMO, only one person can lead us forward. That person is Mitt Romney.

We can whine and complain while the Hucksters and the McVains continue to splinter our future or we can stand TOGETHER and support the only candidate capable of uniting us.

Lead, follow or get the heck out of the way!!!!


Get some sleep and pull yourself together. A comment like "Romney had the floor wiped with his behind" is beneath you and frankly beneath someone who purports to support Gov. Romney for that matter. It's IOWA, really. Many have lost Iowa and gone on to win. If your 'support' for Mitt can't a first in the nation caucus, 2nd place finish (not 3rd, 4th, 5th, but 2ND) - maybe you need to go home.

You're not 'spinning' if you look at some numbers:

First of all, you're right; Romney would have done better to win in Iowa, but it won't kill him. Reagan lost Iowa too.

Second, the Republican turnout was between 102,000 and 114,000 (just based on what reports are telling me). Huckabee finished with a nine-point lead, so that means about ten thousand voters. The margins are only so wide because the turnout was so small. There are 2 million registered voters in Iowa, putting the turnout at 5%

Third, Huckabee doesn't have the pasta to keep going.

Fourth, Huckabee is dead last in New Hampshire, though the media will now hype him up there like they did in Iowa, only NH doesn't have the stout Baptist population of Iowa. Romney owns him in NH by a margin of about 26 points.

That's all. Keep your chin up.

Big picture: If Romney had won here and then NH the media story would have big moneybags wins and we won't be reporting on this jerk until next October. Result: the real Romney is hidden from the general view. If Romney fights back now with gusto, The media loses control of the story, the country sees the real Romney. This may be his safest chance to win the presidency ultimately. When the going gets tough the tough get going. We shall see. Also now the Republicans will have to figure out what being a Republican means. Let the fun begin!

I think you are counting the governor out a little too quickly. Most people know Huckabee is not only an unelectable candidate, he is unacceptable (as said over at Evangelicals for Mitt). Yes Mitt lost in Iowa, but only among evangelical voters. Outside that voting block he did very well.

He will do well in NH, and many other states along the way. His message will get out. Hopefully he will do well in the upcoming debate. etc...

Big picture: If Romney had won here and then NH the media story would have been “big moneybags wins and we won’t be reporting on this jerk until next October”. Result: the real Romney is hidden from the general view. If Romney fights back now with gusto, the media loses control of the story and the country is forced to see the real Romney. This may be his safest chance to win the presidency ultimately. When the going gets tough the tough get going. We shall see. Also, now the Republicans will have to figure out what being a Republican means. Let the fun begin!

I'm with Gull on this one.... Huck did nothing to earn this win.... are you kidding???? Kudos to his pastors though. THEY won this for him; pulled out all their class notes from Bigots 101 and socked it to the ONE candidate who can pull this country together...

I think Romney needs to start selling himself now. Forget the attack stuff. Just sell. "I am the candidate on immigration. I am the candidate on the economy."

He also needs to point out that he performed exactly the way the polls said he would have performed when you look at the RCP and just hand it over to Huckabee's supporters for getting the vote out.

Right now, Romney needs to win New Hampshire. A win there hurts McCain and revitalizes his own going into Wyoming and Michigan.

Huckabee is going to get destroyed in New Hampshire, and he knows that. The spotlight will fade. It's up to Romney to assure that he regains the front-runner status so that he takes Michigan and Nevada.

Fight Fight Fight!

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