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Thursday, January 3, 2008
posted by Scott Allan | 9:02 PM | permalink
I was watching the returns on Fox News who got the first interview with Mitt Romney. Mitt pointed out that he was down by 22% just a few weeks ago and was able to close the gap to 8% (31% to 23% with 41% of precincts reporting) in the last few weeks. He also points out how he substantially beat Giuliani, Thompson, and McCain and does not expect Huckabee to be a major player going forward. Oh and don't forget that Rush Limbaugh hates Huckabee. Romney is still well positioned for the nomination.

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I'd like to congratulate the Democrats on their victory over Romney in Iowa tonight. It appears that if things go your way from here on out that you will have two options to choose from on the 2008 ballot.

Sometimes, you shift tactics midway. McCain, then Giuliani, then Thompson all lost their "front runner" status. I had always been focused on the early states while someone else was a front runner. Now that no one really is a front runner, our strategy now should be to win nationally. Especially since, Huckabee has little hope of running effectively outside of Iowa in the ensuing month, except for maybe South Carolina.

In the end, I think (I certainly hope!) the Republican electorate will realize that nominating Huckabee is ensuring a Democratic President in 2008 (whether he wins or loses!).

why aren't you guys giving more updates?

There's a very good chance Romney will lose NH, but will come out of it having the most total actual votes out of Iowa and NH total than anybody else. This is the popular vote card Gore played in 2000, but I think it does show that Romney is the only guy who can compete everywhere. Look how McCain is doing in Iowa, and watch how Huckabee does in NH.

A few one-sided specialists can take down the strongest and most comprehensive candidate by playing to niches that won't play in the future.

Romney still has a pretty good chance, sure he's the certified underdog and lost big tonight, but Huckabee and McCain will have their records scrutinized moreso than before and I'm confident in Romney's chances at picking up Michigan and Nevada, and I don't see a Giuliani-takes-a-fractured-field threat on the horizon like I used to.

And there's a very real chance that Mitt is toast. He tried very hard to take Iowa, outspent his opponents and didn't pull it off. Sorry, he's not gonna make it.

Iowa has a terrible track record of picking a President. Their vote matters for just a few days and then they will be forgotten. Let's not get worked up into a frenzy now.

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