In tonight's debate Mike Huckabee accused Romney of not supporting the troop surge when he did: "I supported the president in the war before you did. I supported the surge when you didn't."
One Year Ago, Gov. Huckabee Did Not Offer His Support For The Surge:
MSNBC's NORAH O'DONNELL: "We have a Rudy Giuliani, who supports the president's plan on Iraq. We have Governor Mitt Romney, who also supports a troop surge. How are you different from any of those candidates."
HUCKABEE: "Well, I'm not sure that I support the troop surge, if that surge has to come from our Guard and Reserve troops, which have really been overly stretched."
Huck's a freakin LIAR. He proves it once again.
Want to revise that critique of Romney Gov. Huckabee?
This guy has no shame (but his fawning masses of evangelicals will give him a pass on this too, I'm sure).
Jeff Fuller
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I was unable to watch the debate tonight, so I must ask how Romney responded to Huckabee's claim on the surge?
If Romney did not have a counterpunch, I have to blame Romney for lack of preparation and response just as much as I blame Huckabee for his lie.
I am a diehard Romney supporter, but I am growing frustrated by his lack of firepower in response to the dirty attacks against his character and the lies about his record. He should not stand for such attacks, and when an opponent lies in a debate on a topic like the surge, where Romney can point to Huck's clear hesitation on the surge at the same time Romney issued a press release in favor of the surge, Romney needs to be prepared with the cold, hard facts, and he needs to unleash them.
If he did not do so tonight, the damage to his image in voters minds is his own fault. He seems like a deer in the headlights sometimes when hit with broadsides from his opponents. Either that or way, way too restrained.
Freakin' LIAR is right. Glad he kept his yappa shut a large portion of tonight's debate so I could relax a little. When he's not singin' Kumbaya, he might well be-a-prevaricantin'. This is a rude post so I'll go anonymous.
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