So that's their new tactic? Accuse him of being a flip-flopper and hope that the people who support him will be lazy enough not to look at his record and realize they're lying? That's pretty weak. Issues matter, and Romney's right on the issues. End of story.
i can't stand mccain's arrogance and dishonesty. he is as much a lying weasle as huckabee. i will never vote for mccain based on his stand on illegal immigration. i wish romney would hit him harder on that. out here in california, it's all about illegal immigration. you will win votes or go down, depending on your stand on this one issue. mccain has no friends out here.... we all know where he stands on illegal immigration.
I still don't bear a particular amount of animosity toward John McCain. He's reminding me of Junior High School in the clip on t his post. I like Mitt better as a potential leader of the free world.
I still want to point out partly in defense of evangelicals -
Huckster's evangelical support (and where he pulled out the victory) came from two categories.
People with a household income of less than 30K.
Women who live in cities with fewer than 10,000 people.
So largely it was uneducated evangelicals from small towns that turned out for Huckster. In the population centers of Iowa Huckster lost. In small towns where some pastor with an axe to grind could pull the 'You don't want to vote for the Mormon do you?' card, without being caught, Huckster won.
These demographics are reinforced by the fact that Huckster hasn't had a fund raising bounce after Iowa.
So Huckster couldn't even win over a winning group of smart evangelicals? How does he think he'll implement a single one of his policy proposals that he is running on?
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