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Sunday, January 6, 2008
posted by Anne | 10:26 PM | permalink
On taxes, on immigration, on executive experience Mitt Romney hit a home run!

The test of course will be what the voters say on Tuesday, but Mitt made his case well.

In a key moment early on Huckabee evaded answering the question from Romney of whether he had raised taxes $500 MILLION in Arkansas. The Huckster wouldn't admit to it. The Huckster, the Evader, the Waffler.

And McCain didn't have a good explanation on why he didn't support the Bush tax cut (and still would have made the same decision all over again, tho he is in favor of extending it now) True, he is a porkbuster, but if you deny the Dems tax revenues that is one more way to squeeze Big Brother government and let the American people take care of their own priorities and families by leaving more money in their wallets. Duh. The tax cut grew the economy and allowed us to recover from Sept. 11th. We need the recognition of that component too, beyond the need to build up our military and our intel. Jobs and economic growth make America strong.

Mitt gets it. And he won tonight.

UPDATE: Video of Luntz focus group. Romney wins overwhelmingly:

For updates, go here.

Previous post: Romney Rising

--crossposted at BackyardConservative
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The Wyoming win and now an outstanding debate performance... love it. What a great way to head into NH.

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