posted by Anonymous | 6:32 PM |
The following comment from our reader Dell, was too good not to have its own post...
I wonder if Romney could turn the stupid "Flip-Flopper" into a positive. Make an ad that plays on "Flip this House" (House a broken down house, renovate, and sell for a profit). "I'm Mitt Romney and yes I am a Flipper...I've flipped dozens of broken businesses making them profitable again...I flipped the debt and scandal ridden Olympics, turning a profit and restoring honor and integrity...I Flipped the
Massachusetts Budget from a $3 Billion shortfall to a surplus that we used to expand health coverage...And I'll Flip Washington too by saying "NO" to earmark pork-barrel spending, holding government spending BELOW inflation, preventing Social Security from going Bankrupt, and improving the efficiency of our government."
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