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Sunday, January 6, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 6:32 PM | permalink
The following comment from our reader Dell, was too good not to have its own post...

I wonder if Romney could turn the stupid "Flip-Flopper" into a positive. Make an ad that plays on "Flip this House" (House a broken down house, renovate, and sell for a profit). "I'm Mitt Romney and yes I am a Flipper...I've flipped dozens of broken businesses making them profitable again...I flipped the debt and scandal ridden Olympics, turning a profit and restoring honor and integrity...I Flipped the Massachusetts Budget from a $3 Billion shortfall to a surplus that we used to expand health coverage...And I'll Flip Washington too by saying "NO" to earmark pork-barrel spending, holding government spending BELOW inflation, preventing Social Security from going Bankrupt, and improving the efficiency of our government."
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Points for creativity, but I think the terms "Flipper" or Flip have negative connotations across the board unless you happen to be a dolphin.

He should also use the accusation on President Bush. By their standards they would say that Bush flip-flopped his strategy on the war and now their all for it.

Let's see who are flippers:

Michael Medved
Dershowitz (?spelling)
Half of the current conservative thinkers who write now a days.
Ronald Reagan

and. . .

Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
and last but not least George Washington. These great men were loyal to the crown until the crown had gone too far. It's ok to flip once; but you can never go back. Glad to have Romney on board!!!

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