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Thursday, January 10, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 3:51 PM | permalink
The Boston Globe: "GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—Mitt Romney got a hero's welcome as he returned to his birth state of Michigan..."

"'Measure me not by what I say, but what I do,' he said, with unusual passion. 'I will fight for Michigan. I will commit to you that if I'm president of the United States, I will not rest if Michigan is in a one-state recession. If I'm president, the one-state recession is over.'"

"Earlier, addressing the crowd in the Gaslight District, Romney recalled being born in Detroit and how his father, the late George Romney, served as Michigan's governor for three terms in the 1960s. His mother, Lenore, also ran for U.S. Senate in Michigan."

"Romney got choked up after shaking hands with one woman in the crowd who mentioned his father."

"'He was a great man and I miss him dearly,' Romney said."

For some reason this article reminded me of last Saturday, befor the NH primaries. It was raining where I live and so I was watching TV with my son when we found Mitt Romney on CSPAN, speaking at an Ask Mitt Anything event.

My son pointed out that it was Mitt Romney. I was so excited that he knew who he was ( I was even more excited previously when my wife reported to me that he had seen Mitt on TV and had mistaken him for me. I guess that is what I get for wearing the business suit all the time.)

I wanted my son to remember when Mitt Romney ran for President. See, all the other people who say skeptical things about Mitt miss the way I generaly feel about his candidacy. I want an honorable person in the White House (Maybe its because I remember President Clinton so vividly from my college years.) Mitt is an extraordinarily decent guy. For me, Mitt is the guy I hope I can be like (No jokes about a Hillary Clinton tear in my eye please!) He has a family he loves, and they love him. He works hard, does a good job, and does it in an honest way. He believes in the values of America. When they are talking about the speech "Faith in America" that Romney gave in 20 years, I want my son to remember Mitt Romney. In short, Mitt is the kind of person that I hope my son will look up to, much the same way Mitt looks up to his dad.

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Different thought but why I haven't seen any news coverage on TV or internet regarding the whopping 5M fundraiser? All I heard was Hill's day after total and that McCain and Huck have received boosts to their totals.

An excellant point on what it really all comes down to, a better man at the helm inspiring all to be better. Mitt is an inspiring man.
Great post.

Great story, and a very cute kid!

I don't know if I have read ANY post that says what I feel until this one. I too want a decent, hard working, family man to be our next president. Someone we can be proud. Thank you for this wonderful post!

My kids also call me to the TV whenever they see Mitt on. I hope they can meet him someday. Quick story: my 5 year old daughter tried to sneak something the other day, and my husband told her he was smart enough to know what she was doing. She replied "You're not as smart as Mitt Rotney (can't say RoMney just yet), he's REALLY smart!" Hmm, wonder where she learned that ....

This is a great post! :) Mitt not only has the experience, but as you say, he is a great person. I hope that our country can recognize all of this. Even if Mitt somehow doesn't get the nomination (I hope not!), I feel blessed just to know that there are still people like the Romney family out there. You are going to be a great dad.

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