They are out of Lansing, Michigan, and have done a couple polls that have Huckabee in front. Real Clear Politics has them listed among the polls taken for Michigan. I smell a rat since when you click on the poll link, you get an error page. All other established polling companies have links that actually lead to their site.
I had to google this company to find them. They did not show up until beginning of December.
I'm a Catholic & while I would be happiest with a Reagan coalition Republican (Romney, Thompson or Hunter), I could hold my nose & vote for Guiliani & maybe even possibly McCain -- I absolutely would not for Huckabee. His treatment of Romney's religion as a cult puts me as a Catholic also in the crosshairs. I was brought up by a Methodist father & Baptist mother, but I will never identify myself with anyone remotely resembling Huckabee -- it disgusts me to have someone with the principles of a slug identify himself as "The Christian Candidate."
As a volunteer blogger for Mitt, I obviously support his candidacy as a full spectrum conservative, and Mitt's public policy is directly in-line with my Catholic faith and conservative values.
Mike Huckabee's campaign is predicated on style over substance, with charming quips on cable television shows and campaign ads appealing to identity politics, which I loathe. In Iowa, Huckabee's innuendo about Mitt's LDS faith was disgusting. Not only do I dislike the politics of Hope, Arkansas, but I cannot stand his complete lack of a vision on foreign policy, his big government conservatism (talk about an oxymoron), and his philosophy that the President of the United States should be 'like someone you work with'. I'm sorry-the greatest leaders in modern American History are not like the people I work with. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., FDR, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan are truly extraordinary people with amazing qualities, and I want more out of my next president than a guy who can play guitar well and make cute comments.
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