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Thursday, January 10, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:31 PM | permalink
Here's some thoughts from Victor Davis Hanson on the campaign regarding Romney:
"He has to win....(fill in the state)."

That tired convention has become meaningless—a pundit toss-away line that means nothing this early in a multi- primary campaign, when ebb and flow affects everyone. No one at this very early point "has to win" any given state at any given time. Candidates are still picked not by media people, but by the aggregate number of delegates.

And even the money spigot doesn't completely stop after a second place finish. Romney was right to count his delegates won thus far, and to think absurd the notion that after two years of work he is supposed to implode because he didn't win tiny Iowa or New Hampshire when the mega-states are still in play.
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