posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:22 AM |
John Nevin penned an
op/ed for the Detroit Free Press yesterday. In that op/ed he argued that Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the Michigan and the Great Lakes:
Mitt Romney grew up in that tradition and has a firsthand appreciation of how important the Great Lakes are to Michigan's high quality of life. Romney knows that Michigan's ecology and economy depend on healthy Great Lakes and clean water that is safe for drinking, beaches that are safe for swimming, and fish that are safe for eating.
We go ahold of Mr. Nevin and asked him a few follow-up questions.
MMM: What part of Michigan are you from?
JN: I am from Holt, a suburb of Lansing, right near Michigan State University.
MMM: What is your occupation?
JN: I am a policy adviser to a binational group that provides advice to governments regarding water quality and water quantity issues. Previously, I wrote speeches and provided communications advice to Governor John Engler for 12 years.
MMM: How would you describe your political leanings?
JN: My political leanings are definitely conservative but with a pragmatic, common sense approach that emphasizes results more than ideology. I am strongly pro-life and wouldn’t support a candidate who wasn’t.
MMM: Why endorse Mitt Romney?
JN: I’ve endorsed Mitt Romney for many reasons. He’s an experienced executive with a track record of success who understands how to manage change and to transform complex organizations. Second, just looking at his family, you know right away that he is an incredibly strong and compassionate leader. He doesn’t need the presidency. The presidency needs him.
MMM: You say in your Op/Ed that Mitt Romney will be best for Michigan and the Great Lakes. Why?
JN: Mitt would be best for the Great Lakes because I know he wouldn’t tolerate the lack of responsibility and accountability for current programs. He’s the only candidate who would have the ability to slash the bureaucracy, reorganize and focus on the key threats to the lakes. The bottom line is that Mitt is all about results and that’s the kind of leadership we need. And of course, it helps that he is from Michigan and has a true understanding and appreciation for how important the lakes are to our state, our economy and our culture.
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